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 ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!!

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Clix Pix

Clix Pix

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ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!! Empty
PostSubject: ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!!   ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!! EmptyMon May 23, 2016 1:11 am

Apparently some of you are not familiar with some of the more sordid aspects of SBFII's history, including how the current administrator and another individual who is now deceased really wreaked havoc a long time ago on the forum database, to the point where it is probably not ever going to be fixable. I find it fascinating that the current administrator is still lying about things.....wow.

A while back an extensive exploration and delving into SBFII's database was carried out and there were some really nasty truths uncovered....

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ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!!   ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!! EmptyTue May 24, 2016 10:23 pm

It behooves every member of every Susan Boyle forum to read that blog, all entries, from beginning to end, to gain full knowledge of the history of the original Susan Boyle fan site and all of the manipulation that has happened through the years.   What could have been a fun little forum for Susan's fans turned into a power grab and misuse of authority by its administrators who were over-the-top in their rigid control of the membership and the ever-changing rules.   Knudt tells it all as it was and is over there;---and apparently they're finally reaping their just rewards for toying with the mechanics of the site to such an extent that it is beyond repair.   Karma, Baby!   How sweet it is!!

Last edited by WAMcKinley on Wed May 25, 2016 4:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Clix Pix

Clix Pix

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ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!!   ATTENTION LucyB and Others From SBFII!!! EmptyWed May 25, 2016 2:02 am

Well, it's no wonder SBFII is having significant problems with their already-compromised forum database.  They are woefully out of date with regard to vBulletin.   They are using version 4.1.3.    The current version is actually 5.2.1!    Sheesh.....  Hasn't anyone over there ever heard of the importance of regularly keeping up with maintenance and updates?  That is a responsibility which comes along with running a website and forum, and proper maintenance and up-to-date forum software is something they truly owe to their membership. This is really appalling.  They sure can't blame vBulletin for their own negligence.....

And, yes, thanks, WAM, for emphasizing again the importance of people learning about SBFI's rather sordid history, which absolutely has an impact on the activities of that site today.   I am still bemused by the fact that one of the most active participants in some of that past skulduggery is a current administrator of SBFII and has been for some time.  Strange, isn't it?    As the saying goes, "Past is Prologue," and this is sure one example of that.
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