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 Poetry Corner: Elizabeth, Susan, and Larry King

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Poetry Corner:  Elizabeth, Susan, and Larry King Empty
PostSubject: Poetry Corner: Elizabeth, Susan, and Larry King   Poetry Corner:  Elizabeth, Susan, and Larry King EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 11:58 pm

Elizabeth, Susan, and Larry King

(Or: A Lamentation in the Key of Me)

When day winds down, and work is done,
In quiet times at night
I sit in contemplation of
The deeper things in life
The joys, the sorrows, wondering on
The meaning of everything
How Elizabeth Edwards had to die
When Susan was scheduled for Larry King

Jobless waiting for a call
Hoping for a hope of hope
Homeless seeking shelter
So many trying to cope
Whims of fate and fortune
Wondering what this day will bring
And Elizabeth Edwards had to die
When Susan was scheduled for Larry King

Even as I sit and think
My country's still at war
Young soldiers risk their lives each day
They're still not sure what for
Good faith fails, the good die young
It's really an unfair thing
That Elizabeth Edwards had to die
When Susan was scheduled for Larry King

Why do so many suffer want
While the surplus feeds a few
Why hurricanes and floods and fires
Relentless wreckage strew
Why some never learn to speak a word
And some never hear a thing
Why Elizabeth Edwards had to die
When Susan was scheduled for Larry King
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Poetry Corner: Elizabeth, Susan, and Larry King
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