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 DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 8:35 pm

As you may know, I (DJG-Scotland) was banned from the ‘red scarf forum’ (now known as SBFII) in September 2009 without warning and for no sensible reason. During the period (7 days) of that ban a statement was posted in a public section of that forum making all sorts of libellous accusations against me, none of which were true. The membership, however, decided to believe it and what was basically a hate campaign was started against me and anyone who happened to be a member of my SusaHumor forum. On 24 December 2009 I was permanently banned without any warning or reason, and still don’t know why. A month or so later all my posts were completely removed, and I was wiped off their database. The first ban was supposed to be because I was being funny in the ‘wrong’ places, or what they called ‘hijacking threads’. It was clear to me that it was all a complete fabrication, but proving that wouldn’t be easy. However, it has recently come to light that the ‘staff’ (mods, admin, owner) of the forum had private threads running regarding me and the bans. I now have a full copy of those threads, which clearly reveals how I was basically ‘fitted up’. These threads are very lengthy (I must be really evil!) and some of the information in them is irrelevant (staff can go off topic, but mere members would get warned for such evil acts!). I present here genuine extracts from the threads, which I hope will go some way to clearing my name. I have added my own comments where applicable. Some names have had to be removed for legal reasons.

The private thread starts with this posted by a moderator at the time (no longer ‘staff’):

“This is concerning DJG continually placing poster comedy in the more serious discussion threads.....I was informed of another incident……… what is even just as concerning is his statements which are intended to stir up the membership against the moderator group…………. So the point is are we going to allow him to do this yes or no? I would say not.”

My comment: I did not ‘continually’ do anything. I tried to explain that sometimes the cartoons had to go along with the news stories to make any sense, but these people have zero sense of humour and refused to understand this.

Moderator D:

“I don't like it, and probably never will. His attitude is what ires me. No sanction, no warning, makes it OK for him to hijack threads. He will become a loose canon, IMO, and it won't be funny. I don't see the point of having a section for humor if he is going to post all over the place, it makes no sense to me. I don't see it as a housekeeping issue, in that what he does is divert attention from the thread theme.”

My comment: Just because you don’t have any sense of humour is no justification to ban someone who has.

Admin (no longer ‘staff’):

“I agree that we should impose a temp ban on DJG ….. While I appreciate his humor most of the time, there are others where he is clearly hijacking an otherwise serious thread. And in the post with which [Mod] opens the thread, DJG is also clearly thumbing his nose at the moderators. I have been close to asking for sanctions against his behaviour in the past, and I think he has gone over the line in this case.”

My comment: They don’t understand the concept of humour.

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“My only question is about how much/what to say when members ask why DJG has been banned. Is there a short "official" statement for us to work from? I've already got a PM from [member], asking calmly about him... Just don't know how much to say, so I'd like guidance on that.”

Moderator L:

“We need to come up with a public statement of some sort. The members are thinking it was because of the "bus" project - they have no idea why this has come about. They're begging for an explanation and/or a reversal. We gotta do something or we're gonna have a mutiny on our hands.”

My comment: Yes, that’s right. Ban him then make something up! See, even the ‘staff’ didn’t really have a clue why they banned me.

Previous owner:

“Yes, I have just read thread and this could get messy, maybe a small statement as ….. has suggested?”

My comment: Yes, they didn’t think people would even notice – wrong!

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“What is DJG's frame of mind as a result of this? I mean, is there any predicting what he will say to people who contact him? “

My comment: I was banned without warning – how do they think I was feeling?

Moderator L:

“I'm still trying to think of what to say - any ideas? What goes on in mod stays in mod - this could be a bit tricky to explain. Uh, er, um. Oi vey!!!”

My comment: Yes, keep dreaming up some bullsh*t reason, because there’s no real reason of course.

[Discussion of the statement]

Moderator L:

“Sounds good, [mod], way better than what I was composing. I won't even put mine up - quite honestly I don't know everything that went down.”

My comment: You don't actually know what 'went down' but you're going to ban me anyway? Nice!

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“If we post that as an FYI sticky and *if* we calmly and pleasantly just send people to read it as they ask (without adding any editorial comments LOL), we will avert mutiny, I think.”

My comment: That’s right, cover your own asses. Don’t want the loonies to think you might be making crap up do we?!

Previous owner:

“You may have noticed that there have been several new threads regarding DJG's ban to which have now been deleted. Please could staff close any new threads regarding 'DJG' that may pop-up and point members to [Mods] 'note to members'”

My comment: Yes, that’s right – let’s try and hide it now that we know people didn’t react well.

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“Our good friend Mr DJG keeps going on and on and on.....and quite frankly I keep wondering how long it is that we're going to keep allowing him to spit in our face? I would say he gave a very clear insinuation that we were guilty of libel against him …………… . I would contend if people are brought back to recall what actually did tick off Mr DJG to begin with they might finally come to their senses and recoginize that he was and is indeed acting in a very juvenile fashion in other words "Big deal your precious little thread was moved or deleted ! Get over it!" I further would suggest there is nothing about cautions, or warnings which will do it for this guy and he'll be laughing his head off if we even seek to work through that process. I woudn't recommend banning him imediately however but I would seek everyones agreement to allow me to put down this post and see where it goes from there. Thank you kindly for your time.”

My comment: It’s called trying to defend myself.

Admin K:

“I know that you are exasperated by DJG as we all are, but i will advice to be patient and whenver he launches a taunt not to answer. He is testing us to see what our reaction would be, if we retaliate he will launch a full atack. I know it is hard but patience is a virtue. He, [2 other SusaHumor members] are here waiting like "*ç%& to see what will we say or how we will react.”

My comment: Nice way to talk about your members! Now I wonder what word he had in mind when he called us "*ç%&?

Admin (no longer ‘staff’):

“I agree with you K, on this matter. We can not reply to DJG in kind.”

My comment: Yeah, he might find out we’re lying!

Admin P:

“The trouble he is he may think he is being funny - to him form what I can see everything is a total joke. I always let it go over my head - he isn't worth the damage to my blood pressure. I think D’s approach is spot on - say thanks and wrong foot him and move on.”

My comment: Yeah, evil this humour thing! Sour-faced bitch!

Moderator L:

“I just mostly ignore him. He obviously likes attention, so I refuse to engage him.”

My comment: Yeah like I’ve got nothing better to do!

[A lengthy and pointless discussion takes place about an innocent post I made about libel laws in the UK, and whether I was accusing them of libel or joking]

Admin (no longer ‘staff’):

“No reaction to DJG without my permission. I believe it in our best interest not to react to DJG directly, either publicly in the Forum, or privately via PM, without my express prior permission.”

My comment: Yes, even the ‘staff’ aren’t allowed to do anything unless admin tells them to. What a joke!

Former owner:
“After numerous warnings, I have decided to ban DJG-Scotland from our forum. This member continues to disrespect our fansite, continues to spam and continues to cause unrest. I have banned all IP Addresses for this member, I did not publicly post to banning or contact DJG, I am sure he will know why he has been banned.”

My comment: What 'numerous warnings'? No I do not know why I was banned permanently. I emailed asking why but never received a reply.

Admin K:
“Well done [owner]”

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):
“Well I'd say he's got a list of reasons a mile long to choose from as to why he was banned unless he has thrown away his list...good decision [owner].”

Admin P:
“Fair enough - but we can expect his troops to be on us like a rash now so we need to be vigilant - but scrupulously fair.”

Moderator L:
“Good! Of course his gang will be all over us, but nothing we can't handle. Thanks, [owner]”

Admin (no longer staff):
“Thank you, [owner]! I didn't see your post before I sent a reply to DJG when he complained about our latest warning to him. Now he will never see my reply, which is quite okay by me .... Erasing all of DJG's posts and posts quoting DJG ….. I have decided to permanently remove ALL of his posts and threads from the Forum. I used the Prune Posts function in the Admin panel….. Afterwards, the Staff has searched for every post that quotes (or even mentions) DJG-Scotland, and hard deleted those posts….. We have removed all posts that quote or mention him, except from the Staff Room.”

My comment: What lovely people! Rolling Eyes

So, there we have it. I was basically done up like a kipper! Banned for no reason, then they made up some crap to stop a ‘mutiny’ of their members. Lovely! Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Admin on Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:18 pm; edited 3 times in total
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 9:10 pm

Sheesh. You think they were running the United Nations and not a little fan forum for a select like minded few.

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 9:26 pm

OMG- this part is terrible- any post with your name was hard deleted back then? Sounds like Rosemary woods and Watergate== now this is getting BEYOND ridiculous.
"Admin (no longer staff):
“Thank you, [owner]! I didn't see your post before I sent a reply to DJG when he complained about our latest warning to him. Now he will never see my reply, which is quite okay by me .... Erasing all of DJG's posts and posts quoting DJG ….. I have decided to permanently remove ALL of his posts and threads from the Forum. I used the Prune Posts function in the Admin panel….. Afterwards, the Staff has searched for every post that quotes (or even mentions) DJG-Scotland, and hard deleted those posts….. We have removed all posts that quote or mention him, except from the Staff Room.”

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 9:41 pm

terijay wrote:
OMG- this part is terrible- any post with your name was hard deleted back then? Sounds like Rosemary woods and Watergate== now this is getting BEYOND ridiculous.
"Admin (no longer staff):
“Thank you, [owner]! I didn't see your post before I sent a reply to DJG when he complained about our latest warning to him. Now he will never see my reply, which is quite okay by me .... Erasing all of DJG's posts and posts quoting DJG ….. I have decided to permanently remove ALL of his posts and threads from the Forum. I used the Prune Posts function in the Admin panel….. Afterwards, the Staff has searched for every post that quotes (or even mentions) DJG-Scotland, and hard deleted those posts….. We have removed all posts that quote or mention him, except from the Staff Room.”

They are like a cult over there! Protect the cult AT ALL COSTS! Their mantra is "Do as I say, NOT as I do!!
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 10:01 pm

Admin wrote:
As you may know, I (DJG-Scotland) was banned from the ‘red scarf forum’ (now known as SBFII) in September 2009 without warning and for no sensible reason. During the period (7 days) of that ban a statement was posted in a public section of that forum making all sorts of libellous accusations against me, none of which were true. The membership, however, decided to believe it and what was basically a hate campaign was started against me and anyone who happened to be a member of my SusaHumor forum. On 24 December 2009 I was permanently banned without any warning or reason, and still don’t know why. A month or so later all my posts were completely removed, and I was wiped off their database. The first ban was supposed to be because I was being funny in the ‘wrong’ places, or what they called ‘hijacking threads’. It was clear to me that it was all a complete fabrication, but proving that wouldn’t be easy. However, it has recently come to light that the ‘staff’ (mods, admin, owner) of the forum had private threads running regarding me and the bans. I now have a full copy of those threads, which clearly reveals how I was basically ‘fitted up’. These threads are very lengthy (I must be really evil!) and some of the information in them is irrelevant (staff can go off topic, but mere members would get warned for such evil acts!). I present here genuine extracts from the threads, which I hope will go some way to clearing my name. I have added my own comments where applicable. Some names have had to be removed for legal reasons.

The private thread starts with this posted by a moderator at the time (no longer ‘staff’):

“This is concerning DJG continually placing poster comedy in the more serious discussion threads.....I was informed of another incident……… what is even just as concerning is his statements which are intended to stir up the membership against the moderator group…………. So the point is are we going to allow him to do this yes or no? I would say not.”

My comment: I did not ‘continually’ do anything. I tried to explain that sometimes the cartoons had to go along with the news stories to make any sense, but these people have zero sense of humour and refused to understand this.

Moderator D:

“I don't like it, and probably never will. His attitude is what ires me. No sanction, no warning, makes it OK for him to hijack threads. He will become a loose canon, IMO, and it won't be funny. I don't see the point of having a section for humor if he is going to post all over the place, it makes no sense to me. I don't see it as a housekeeping issue, in that what he does is divert attention from the thread theme.”

My comment: Just because you don’t have any sense of humour is no justification to ban someone who has.

Admin (no longer ‘staff’):

“I agree that we should impose a temp ban on DJG ….. While I appreciate his humor most of the time, there are others where he is clearly hijacking an otherwise serious thread. And in the post with which [Mod] opens the thread, DJG is also clearly thumbing his nose at the moderators. I have been close to asking for sanctions against his behaviour in the past, and I think he has gone over the line in this case.”

My comment: They don’t understand the concept of humour.

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“My only question is about how much/what to say when members ask why DJG has been banned. Is there a short "official" statement for us to work from? I've already got a PM from [member], asking calmly about him... Just don't know how much to say, so I'd like guidance on that.”

Moderator L:

“We need to come up with a public statement of some sort. The members are thinking it was because of the "bus" project - they have no idea why this has come about. They're begging for an explanation and/or a reversal. We gotta do something or we're gonna have a mutiny on our hands.”

My comment: Yes, that’s right. Ban him then make something up! See, even the ‘staff’ didn’t really have a clue why they banned me.

Previous owner:

“Yes, I have just read thread and this could get messy, maybe a small statement as ….. has suggested?”

My comment: Yes, they didn’t think people would even notice – wrong!

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“What is DJG's frame of mind as a result of this? I mean, is there any predicting what he will say to people who contact him? “

My comment: I was banned without warning – how do they think I was feeling?

Moderator L:

“I'm still trying to think of what to say - any ideas? What goes on in mod stays in mod - this could be a bit tricky to explain. Uh, er, um. Oi vey!!!”

My comment: Yes, keep dreaming up some bullsh*t reason, because there’s no real reason of course.

[Discussion of the statement]

Moderator L:

“Sounds good, [mod], way better than what I was composing. I won't even put mine up - quite honestly I don't know everything that went down.”

My comment: You don't actually know what 'went down' but you're going to ban me anyway? Nice!

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“If we post that as an FYI sticky and *if* we calmly and pleasantly just send people to read it as they ask (without adding any editorial comments LOL), we will avert mutiny, I think.”

My comment: That’s right, cover your own asses. Don’t want the loonies to think you might be making crap up do we?!

Previous owner:

“You may have noticed that there have been several new threads regarding DJG's ban to which have now been deleted. Please could staff close any new threads regarding 'DJG' that may pop-up and point members to [Mods] 'note to members'”

My comment: Yes, that’s right – let’s try and hide it now that we know people didn’t react well.

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“Our good friend Mr DJG keeps going on and on and on.....and quite frankly I keep wondering how long it is that we're going to keep allowing him to spit in our face? I would say he gave a very clear insinuation that we were guilty of libel against him …………… . I would contend if people are brought back to recall what actually did tick off Mr DJG to begin with they might finally come to their senses and recoginize that he was and is indeed acting in a very juvenile fashion in other words "Big deal your precious little thread was moved or deleted ! Get over it!" I further would suggest there is nothing about cautions, or warnings which will do it for this guy and he'll be laughing his head off if we even seek to work through that process. I woudn't recommend banning him imediately however but I would seek everyones agreement to allow me to put down this post and see where it goes from there. Thank you kindly for your time.”

My comment: It’s called trying to defend myself.

Admin K:

“I know that you are exasperated by DJG as we all are, but i will advice to be patient and whenver he launches a taunt not to answer. He is testing us to see what our reaction would be, if we retaliate he will launch a full atack. I know it is hard but patience is a virtue. He, [2 other SusaHumor members] are here waiting like "*ç%& to see what will we say or how we will react.”

My comment: Nice way to talk about your members! Now I wonder what word he had in mind when he called us "*ç%&?

Admin (no longer ‘staff’):

“I agree with you K, on this matter. We can not reply to DJG in kind.”

My comment: Yeah, he might find out we’re lying!

Admin P:

“The trouble he is he may think he is being funny - to him form what I can see everything is a total joke. I always let it go over my head - he isn't worth the damage to my blood pressure. I think D’s approach is spot on - say thanks and wrong foot him and move on.”

My comment: Yeah, evil this humour thing! Sour-faced bitch!

Moderator L:

“I just mostly ignore him. He obviously likes attention, so I refuse to engage him.”

My comment: Yeah like I’ve got nothing better to do!

[A lengthy and pointless discussion takes place about an innocent post I made about libel laws in the UK, and whether I was accusing them of libel or joking]

Admin (no longer ‘staff’):

“No reaction to DJG without my permission. I believe it in our best interest not to react to DJG directly, either publicly in the Forum, or privately via PM, without my express prior permission.”

My comment: Yes, even the ‘staff’ aren’t allowed to do anything unless admin tells them to. What a joke!

Former owner:
“After numerous warnings, I have decided to ban DJG-Scotland from our forum. This member continues to disrespect our fansite, continues to spam and continues to cause unrest. I have banned all IP Addresses for this member, I did not publicly post to banning or contact DJG, I am sure he will know why he has been banned.”

My comment: What 'numerous warnings'? No I do not know why I was banned permanently. I emailed asking why but never received a reply.

Admin K:
“Well done [owner]”

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):
“Well I'd say he's got a list of reasons a mile long to choose from as to why he was banned unless he has thrown away his list...good decision [owner].”

Admin P:
“Fair enough - but we can expect his troops to be on us like a rash now so we need to be vigilant - but scrupulously fair.”

Moderator L:
“Good! Of course his gang will be all over us, but nothing we can't handle. Thanks, [owner]”

Admin (no longer staff):
“Thank you, [owner]! I didn't see your post before I sent a reply to DJG when he complained about our latest warning to him. Now he will never see my reply, which is quite okay by me .... Erasing all of DJG's posts and posts quoting DJG ….. I have decided to permanently remove ALL of his posts and threads from the Forum. I used the Prune Posts function in the Admin panel….. Afterwards, the Staff has searched for every post that quotes (or even mentions) DJG-Scotland, and hard deleted those posts….. We have removed all posts that quote or mention him, except from the Staff Room.”

My comment: What lovely people! Rolling Eyes

So, there we have it. I was basically done up like a kipper! Banned for no reason, then they made up some crap to stop a ‘mutiny’ of their members. Lovely! Rolling Eyes

This is absolutely disgusting to think SBFII Admin and mods, etc would think up some reason to ban a person they did not want on their forum. The ones who run that fan site need to clean up their act because this irresponsible behavior is the lowest form of decency I have ever seen. And to think how many of them have done so much worse than anyone could possibly think of. That fan site needs overhauling from the top and all members there need to know what their administration does behind closed doors. Absolutely appalling. !! Sad

Last edited by mdillow31 on Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:59 am; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 4066
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 10:28 pm

Wow, DJG, you da MAN! You were frakin' RADIOACTIVE, man! You had TROOPS! You might have LAUNCHED them!
Moderator, no longer staff: "What is DJG's frame of mind as a result of this? I mean, is there any predicting what he will say to people who contact him?
Plus you were UNPREDICTABLE!
Beyond the litany of ridicule, this is really quite disturbing to read. On the face of it, we're looking at paranoid delusion writ large. You would think they were talking about how to capture Hannibal Lecter. The idea that one guy on a remote island has the power to undo their website by posting cartoons... it would be laughable, if it weren't so ugly. But this is the language of hate campaigns, scapegoating, persecution. There are layers of manipulation here, the established pecking order reinforcing itself, rehearsing who licks whose. Targeting an individual and whipping up outrage is a frightening thing, and I do hope this is posted in the Guest Forum, where everyone can read it. The most frightening thing of all is how many people went along with it.
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Posts : 84254
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 11:00 pm

skywriter wrote:
Wow, DJG, you da MAN! You were frakin' RADIOACTIVE, man! You had TROOPS! You might have LAUNCHED them!
Moderator, no longer staff: "What is DJG's frame of mind as a result of this? I mean, is there any predicting what he will say to people who contact him?
Plus you were UNPREDICTABLE!
Beyond the litany of ridicule, this is really quite disturbing to read. On the face of it, we're looking at paranoid delusion writ large. You would think they were talking about how to capture Hannibal Lecter. The idea that one guy on a remote island has the power to undo their website by posting cartoons... it would be laughable, if it weren't so ugly. But this is the language of hate campaigns, scapegoating, persecution. There are layers of manipulation here, the established pecking order reinforcing itself, rehearsing who licks whose. Targeting an individual and whipping up outrage is a frightening thing, and I do hope this is posted in the Guest Forum, where everyone can read it. The most frightening thing of all is how many people went along with it.
You are in the guest forum, skywriter!
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 11:17 pm

I have more internal crap from SBFII! Wink I'll save that for another day! Laughing
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyWed Feb 16, 2011 11:33 pm

Message to Tink and Kalua: Publicize ALL OF YOUR THREADS from the forum! Allow the members to see the threads between the moderators and the administration! THEN WE SHALL SEE WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH!!!!! We at DJG have NO PROBLEM if you do that! DO YOU???
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 4:07 am

fudgemeister wrote:
skywriter wrote:
Wow, DJG, you da MAN! You were frakin' RADIOACTIVE, man! You had TROOPS! You might have LAUNCHED them!
Moderator, no longer staff: "What is DJG's frame of mind as a result of this? I mean, is there any predicting what he will say to people who contact him?
Plus you were UNPREDICTABLE!
Beyond the litany of ridicule, this is really quite disturbing to read. On the face of it, we're looking at paranoid delusion writ large. You would think they were talking about how to capture Hannibal Lecter. The idea that one guy on a remote island has the power to undo their website by posting cartoons... it would be laughable, if it weren't so ugly. But this is the language of hate campaigns, scapegoating, persecution. There are layers of manipulation here, the established pecking order reinforcing itself, rehearsing who licks whose. Targeting an individual and whipping up outrage is a frightening thing, and I do hope this is posted in the Guest Forum, where everyone can read it. The most frightening thing of all is how many people went along with it.
You are in the guest forum, skywriter!
Oh well, DUH...right? geek I really must start checking the top of the page I'm writing on. Thanks, Fudgie, I'm all reoriented now, and I'll watch my language in front of the company...Oh, hello, guests! Don't be scared. I've been pre-moderated, but it didn't take, and the very best doctors tell me I'm not contagious anymore. Want to stay for dinner?
lol! latky lol!
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 6:26 am

BTW: If anyone is reading about the "International Commission on Data Protection," possibly on another forum, you are reading fiction. study It doesn't exist. If it did, wouldn't Google know about it?
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Lovin' Every Minute

Lovin' Every Minute

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 11:25 am

skywriter wrote:
BTW: If anyone is reading about the "International Commission on Data Protection," possibly on another forum, you are reading fiction. study It doesn't exist. If it did, wouldn't Google know about it?
Hilarious!! laughfloor And I thought WE were the humor forum!! Wink
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 11:36 am

skywriter wrote:
BTW: If anyone is reading about the "International Commission on Data Protection," possibly on another forum, you are reading fiction. study It doesn't exist. If it did, wouldn't Google know about it?

laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor and I thought we were the loonies Rolling Eyes
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 11:50 am

Mmmmmm...... just having a read of more internal stuff from SBFII. Seems they don't really like anyone, even those who probably think they're in the 'in crowd'! I've so far seen members referred to as having 'dissociative identity disorder', 'multiple personalities', 'a PITA [Pain In The Ass] to the power of +N', '.....wonder if they are all on LSD or something', 'wet noodle', 'ticking time bomb', 'a bomb hoping for someone to light the fuse', 'a-hole', 'mad as a box of frogs', 'troublemakers!', 'I want to slap her stupid face!'. Mmmm.... really nice people! Wink
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 12:04 pm

Oh, and they do have different rules for different people. They often ask if somebody is 'someone important' before deciding on whether to warn/ban them. I've already read where the 'in crowd' have been allowed to get away with things becasue they're 'important'. Rolling Eyes
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 12:25 pm

Admin wrote:
Oh, and they do have different rules for different people. They often ask if somebody is 'someone important' before deciding on whether to warn/ban them. I've already read where the 'in crowd' have been allowed to get away with things becasue they're 'important'. Rolling Eyes

VIPs! More like VDPS, very delusional people! laughcry laughcry

dancingcat dancingcat dancingcat
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 12:27 pm

Here's a lovely private posting from Admin P that I had to share now! Laughing

"I have just given pardonmeboy a bit of a slapdown -so expect a complaint from her - silly cow - her attitude is patronising and condescending - she annoys the hell out of me. She ought to go and work for the tabs with her attitude - in fact are we sure she isn't a journo in disguise?"

Now isn't 'pardonmeboy' one of their 'in crowd'? Oh dear! Wink
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Lovin' Every Minute

Lovin' Every Minute

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 12:31 pm

Admin wrote:
Here's a lovely private posting from Admin P that I had to share now! Laughing

"I have just given pardonmeboy a bit of a slapdown -so expect a complaint from her - silly cow - her attitude is patronising and condescending - she annoys the hell out of me. She ought to go and work for the tabs with her attitude - in fact are we sure she isn't a journo in disguise?"

Now isn't 'pardonmeboy' one of their 'in crowd'? Oh dear! Wink

Patronizing & condescending? Perhaps they should look in a mirror - ?? scratch
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 12:41 pm

It's also becoming clear that even the 'staff' don't understand their own rules! They have to discuss endlessly whether what somebody said actually violates any rules! It's also clear that if they don't like something somebody posted they try and work out amongst themselves what rule they can say it breaks! Evidence again that they make these rules up as they go along! Rolling Eyes
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Lovin' Every Minute

Lovin' Every Minute

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 12:59 pm

Admin wrote:
It's also becoming clear that even the 'staff' don't understand their own rules! They have to discuss endlessly whether what somebody said actually violates any rules! It's also clear that if they don't like something somebody posted they try and work out amongst themselves what rule they can say it breaks! Evidence again that they make these rules up as they go along! Rolling Eyes

Sure! Which is why I can't for the life of me understand why anyone in their right mind can be bothered with them. Sleep I know I have enough going on in my life that I don't need their manufactured dramas. So, for example, they want to swamp Susan with silly gifts as an ongoing pretext for obtaining access to her inner circle and personal life- ? 1) I think it's obsessively bizarre; but 2) if Susan's team permits it, then I have to assume it's a symbiotic relationship of some sort. If all concerned are happy with it - then it sho 'nuff don't concern me. sunny
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 1:16 pm

Even the 'big hitters' aren't safe. Here's what Admin P had to say about a couple of members:

"I PERSONALLY WANT TO PUNCH THEIR LIGHTS OUT - but we need to PM both of them and explain the implications of their statements to them with a caution that should they do so again they might incur a ban as they would be in breach of rule one - Lisa [Pully] is not a trouble maker so to ban her for a first offence seems somewhat harsh, and we can not treat RIK differently even if he is a PITA [Pain In The Ass]!"

Really nice woman this Admin P! Rolling Eyes
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 5:53 pm

Admin wrote:
Even the 'big hitters' aren't safe. Here's what Admin P had to say about a couple of members:

"I PERSONALLY WANT TO PUNCH THEIR LIGHTS OUT - but we need to PM both of them and explain the implications of their statements to them with a caution that should they do so again they might incur a ban as they would be in breach of rule one - Lisa [Pully] is not a trouble maker so to ban her for a first offence seems somewhat harsh, and we can not treat RIK differently even if he is a PITA [Pain In The Ass]!"

Really nice woman this Admin P! Rolling Eyes

Oh my, Admin P talks like that behind members backs. I am totally shocked.
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:08 pm

mdillow31 wrote:
Admin wrote:
Even the 'big hitters' aren't safe. Here's what Admin P had to say about a couple of members:

"I PERSONALLY WANT TO PUNCH THEIR LIGHTS OUT - but we need to PM both of them and explain the implications of their statements to them with a caution that should they do so again they might incur a ban as they would be in breach of rule one - Lisa [Pully] is not a trouble maker so to ban her for a first offence seems somewhat harsh, and we can not treat RIK differently even if he is a PITA [Pain In The Ass]!"

Really nice woman this Admin P! Rolling Eyes

Oh my, Admin P talks like that behind members backs. I am totally shocked.

I suppose we knew this sort of ugly dialogue was happening, but to read it in black and white Is shocking, yes!
I'm on the floor and I'm not laughing.
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:11 pm

sue2 wrote:
mdillow31 wrote:
Admin wrote:
Even the 'big hitters' aren't safe. Here's what Admin P had to say about a couple of members:

"I PERSONALLY WANT TO PUNCH THEIR LIGHTS OUT - but we need to PM both of them and explain the implications of their statements to them with a caution that should they do so again they might incur a ban as they would be in breach of rule one - Lisa [Pully] is not a trouble maker so to ban her for a first offence seems somewhat harsh, and we can not treat RIK differently even if he is a PITA [Pain In The Ass]!"

Really nice woman this Admin P! Rolling Eyes

Oh my, Admin P talks like that behind members backs. I am totally shocked.

I suppose we knew this sort of ugly dialogue was happening, but to read it in black and white Is shocking, yes!
I'm on the floor and I'm not laughing.

Hi Sue2 - good to see you - even if it is in this mess!!!

Yes, on the floor but not laughing this time is damn right - I'm absolutely appalled at the levels to which they've stooped!!!
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:12 pm

sue2 wrote:
mdillow31 wrote:
Admin wrote:
Even the 'big hitters' aren't safe. Here's what Admin P had to say about a couple of members:

"I PERSONALLY WANT TO PUNCH THEIR LIGHTS OUT - but we need to PM both of them and explain the implications of their statements to them with a caution that should they do so again they might incur a ban as they would be in breach of rule one - Lisa [Pully] is not a trouble maker so to ban her for a first offence seems somewhat harsh, and we can not treat RIK differently even if he is a PITA [Pain In The Ass]!"

Really nice woman this Admin P! Rolling Eyes

Oh my, Admin P talks like that behind members backs. I am totally shocked.

I suppose we knew this sort of ugly dialogue was happening, but to read it in black and white Is shocking, yes!
I'm on the floor and I'm not laughing.

I'm not laughing either. I think those remarks by Admin P is truly disturbing to talk about members behind their back. If this person is so upright why not say it to the member's face instead of behind their back. ??
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Clix Pix

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:20 pm

One thing that has emerged from all of this is indeed the contemptuous attitude the so-called "leadership" maintains about the members of their organization, the very people who supposedly make up the lifeblood of that organization. Well, as that organization, especially its forum, is quite clearly now fizzling away and members are drifting off to more desirable sites, soon they'll have just each other and maybe one or two still fiercely loyal deluded fans talking and participating on that site......
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:30 pm

I guess I am dumb. I never knew what a PITA was until just now. It certainly is clear now as to the meaning of it. !!!
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:36 pm

Admin wrote:
Even the 'big hitters' aren't safe. Here's what Admin P had to say about a couple of members:

"I PERSONALLY WANT TO PUNCH THEIR LIGHTS OUT - but we need to PM both of them and explain the implications of their statements to them with a caution that should they do so again they might incur a ban as they would be in breach of rule one - Lisa [Pully] is not a trouble maker so to ban her for a first offence seems somewhat harsh, and we can not treat RIK differently even if he is a PITA [Pain In The Ass]!"

Really nice woman this Admin P! Rolling Eyes

Wasn't it RIK the one who came up many times with the monies $$$$$ to save their forum? Or I am mistaken him with someone else? Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn

These new revelations are fascinating, I thought they only went for the usual dissidents not for the likes of RIK or pardonmeboy, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tell us more Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:47 pm

Admin: "Here's a lovely private posting from Admin P that I had to share now!

"I have just given pardonmeboy a bit of a slapdown -so expect a complaint from her - silly cow - her attitude is patronising and condescending - she annoys the hell out of me. She ought to go and work for the tabs with her attitude - in fact are we sure she isn't a journo in disguise?"

Now isn't 'pardonmeboy' one of their 'in crowd'? Oh dear!"

I've had a few interesting PMs from pardonmeboy(Geraldine)--and she has the good sense to NOT be part of the EW "in" crowd. I can understand why they hate her. She has a mind of her own and asks questions they don't want to answer. She's part of a large number there who play along in order to get along.
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Clix Pix

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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:48 pm

I can only imagine how anyone who was sucker enough to give those people money early-on and throughout, who naively believed that they were cherished and well-loved and at least respected by the leadership of SBFII must feel now, after having read those contemptuous, arrogant comments about them. I'm sure that RIK just LOVES realizing that they consider him a PITA. Their gratitude and appreciation for his generosity has no bounds.......
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:53 pm

WAMcKinley wrote:
Admin: "Here's a lovely private posting from Admin P that I had to share now!

"I have just given pardonmeboy a bit of a slapdown -so expect a complaint from her - silly cow - her attitude is patronising and condescending - she annoys the hell out of me. She ought to go and work for the tabs with her attitude - in fact are we sure she isn't a journo in disguise?"

Now isn't 'pardonmeboy' one of their 'in crowd'? Oh dear!"

I've had a few interesting PMs from pardonmeboy(Geraldine)--and she has the good sense to NOT be part of the EW "in" crowd. I can understand why they hate her. She has a mind of her own and asks questions they don't want to answer. She's part of a large number there who play along in order to get along.

I am sorry to keep posting but this is really disturbing the way this Admin P talks about the members of the fan site. A "silly cow".... "annoys the hell out of me. ??? That is very condescending to members who claim and give their utmost allegiance to Susan Boyle. I never seen anything so disgusting in my life. I really feel sorry for those members Admin P has talked about behind their backs.
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:55 pm

Lovin' Every Minute wrote:
Admin wrote:
It's also becoming clear that even the 'staff' don't understand their own rules! They have to discuss endlessly whether what somebody said actually violates any rules! It's also clear that if they don't like something somebody posted they try and work out amongst themselves what rule they can say it breaks! Evidence again that they make these rules up as they go along! Rolling Eyes

Sure! Which is why I can't for the life of me understand why anyone in their right mind can be bothered with them. Sleep I know I have enough going on in my life that I don't need their manufactured dramas. So, for example, they want to swamp Susan with silly gifts as an ongoing pretext for obtaining access to her inner circle and personal life- ? 1) I think it's obsessively bizarre; but 2) if Susan's team permits it, then I have to assume it's a symbiotic relationship of some sort. If all concerned are happy with it - then it sho 'nuff don't concern me. sunny

I was told by a fan who attended the original quilt presentation in NYC that Andy made the comment re randma that "that woman" was driving him crazy! So at least Andy would like to see her disappear & probably her silly quilts, too. I so wish there was a way to contact him and have a nice sit-down, explaining that not all of us sanction these excesses. Not that it would matter to him one way or another,---but I feel the need to let him know that not all of Susan's fans are raving loonies.
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 7:57 pm

mdillow31 wrote:
WAMcKinley wrote:
Admin: "Here's a lovely private posting from Admin P that I had to share now!

"I have just given pardonmeboy a bit of a slapdown -so expect a complaint from her - silly cow - her attitude is patronising and condescending - she annoys the hell out of me. She ought to go and work for the tabs with her attitude - in fact are we sure she isn't a journo in disguise?"

Now isn't 'pardonmeboy' one of their 'in crowd'? Oh dear!"

I've had a few interesting PMs from pardonmeboy(Geraldine)--and she has the good sense to NOT be part of the EW "in" crowd. I can understand why they hate her. She has a mind of her own and asks questions they don't want to answer. She's part of a large number there who play along in order to get along.

I am sorry to keep posting but this is really disturbing the way this Admin P talks about the members of the fan site. A "silly cow".... "annoys the hell out of me. ??? That is very condescending to members who claim and give their utmost allegiance to Susan Boyle. I never seen anything so disgusting in my life. I really feel sorry for those members Admin P has talked about behind their backs.

If they said these things about their most loved members, I was wondering what they would say about us? affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid
I am sure we all got nicknames there

Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn

these forums are getting funnier but the minute laughcry laughcry laughcry
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 9:01 pm

lulu wrote:

If they said these things about their most loved members, I was wondering what they would say about us? affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid
I am sure we all got nicknames there
Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn
these forums are getting funnier but the minute laughcry laughcry laughcry

You're just pissed because they called someone else a "silly cow." Sounds like they're infringing your copyright.
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII   DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII EmptyThu Feb 17, 2011 9:03 pm

johnnycake wrote:
lulu wrote:

If they said these things about their most loved members, I was wondering what they would say about us? affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid
I am sure we all got nicknames there
Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn
these forums are getting funnier but the minute laughcry laughcry laughcry

You're just pissed because they called someone else a "silly cow." Sounds like they're infringing your copyright.
I am sure they'd called me mad cow many times, affraid affraid and perhapas other nicknames but hey it comes with the territory when you are a prankster. dancin dancin dancingcat dancingcat dancin dancin
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DJG: Clearing my name / behind the scenes at SBFII Empty
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