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 From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog

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Clix Pix

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From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog Empty
PostSubject: From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog   From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog EmptyFri Feb 18, 2011 4:49 am

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From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog   From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog EmptyFri Feb 18, 2011 5:11 am

3." DJG received his information via members and staff permission errors." Posted in Dyebat's Blog!

Are they trying to tell us that the staff "accidentally" permitted someone into these secret Staff Chat Rooms? This must be a joke! The very last place that they would want any member to see? They did that? laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry
I believe it did happen; pretty sure of it!!
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From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog   From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog EmptySun Feb 20, 2011 7:56 am

New post by lChris:


Quote :
February 20, 2011Another rumor to address
Just heard a rumor that a Staff member at SBFII is apparently spreading - that I am involved in a new hacking event. If so, let me address this right now.

I have nothacked or attempted to hack into your site or any site, nor do I have any interest in doing so. I have never even used a proxy.
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Clix Pix

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From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog   From Dyebat, lChris, Citroenlady and Knudt -- new blog entry on Dyebat's blog EmptySun Feb 20, 2011 6:15 pm

I am glad to see that Chris has cleared up the situation about the possibility of the administration of EW having implemented "Miserable User" there. This is a pretty nifty little tool, but also a potentially dangerous and certainly not a nice one, to utilize against any given member on a site which uses vBulletin. It should be used very rarely and with caution and plenty of thought and discussion beforehand. As I'm thinking about this, boy, hasn't EW come to a sad pass when upon learning of the possibility of them utilizing such a tool that there is the immediate assumption that of course they would use it against any member they didn't like and didn't want around..... Very sad situation there, I'd say.

As for the other, I'm very glad that Chris has also clarified the rumor about the possibility that she would be hacking another site. Unlike some people I could name, Chris is a very ethical individual who always participates in online activities with integrity and complete honesty. She would not stoop so low as to hack EW or any other site (although I suspect that, given the news of the easy "back door" access that was possible last week (which did work, I tried it myself) it wouldn't be all that difficult for any determined hacker to have a play at EW. That's a technical issue all the way around and that is one reason it is very important for any website to have people on board who know what they're doing "under the hood." Hacking, easy access through a "back door," members or non-members being able to see things that they are not intended to see? Well, all of that comes down to an apparent lack of careful technical maintenance of any website. Without skilled people at the helm and without skilled hands on the site's code and underlying structure, yes, stuff like that will happen. And who's really to blame?
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