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Clix Pix
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PostSubject: Some stats   Some stats EmptyMon Feb 21, 2011 11:14 am

An updated stat on ew active membership, it's not good... No

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyFri Feb 25, 2011 9:13 am

Stats updated (today 960), with prevision until the end of the month (right end of black lines): about 950 active members, not good... No No

There is still time for a change in management, but please hurry up.

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyFri Feb 25, 2011 1:43 pm

That is very sad no joy here.... Sad

Thank you Tonnie..
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 6:56 am

Active members today 1050, very good, but the latest member is still the same???

So I suppose the criterium for active ew membership has been changed overnight, that can be done easily, just extend the time laps, e.g. has been on line or posted in the last 3 months > the last 4 months. Very Happy Very Happy

Actually I am not at all interested in these stats, the interesting people are now in other places, by their own choice or chased away. How sad for a once so good forum ruined by bad management and disrespect for members... No No No
Off to more positive thoughts and a good laughter... LOLflag
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 10:22 am

tonnie_rocca wrote:

Active members today 1050, very good, but the latest member is still the same???

So I suppose the criterium for active ew membership has been changed overnight, that can be done easily, just extend the time laps, e.g. has been on line or posted in the last 3 months > the last 4 months. Very Happy Very Happy

Actually I am not at all interested in these stats, the interesting people are now in other places, by their own choice or chased away. How sad for a once so good forum ruined by bad management and disrespect for members... No No No
Off to more positive thoughts and a good laughter... LOLflag

EW massaging the numbers?! I'm shocked! Rolling Eyes Wink

Of course, we'll soon see all the phantom members appearing again like joebloggs123, maryjones789, susanfan9999, etc.!

I suppose they could also redefine 'active member' to be anyone with a pulse. But having seen some of their members, that would make the number of active members about 4! Laughing
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Lovin' Every Minute

Lovin' Every Minute

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 11:46 am

Admin wrote:
tonnie_rocca wrote:

Active members today 1050, very good, but the latest member is still the same???

So I suppose the criterium for active ew membership has been changed overnight, that can be done easily, just extend the time laps, e.g. has been on line or posted in the last 3 months > the last 4 months. Very Happy Very Happy

Actually I am not at all interested in these stats, the interesting people are now in other places, by their own choice or chased away. How sad for a once so good forum ruined by bad management and disrespect for members... No No No
Off to more positive thoughts and a good laughter... LOLflag

EW massaging the numbers?! I'm shocked! Rolling Eyes Wink

Of course, we'll soon see all the phantom members appearing again like joebloggs123, maryjones789, susanfan9999, etc.!

I suppose they could also redefine 'active member' to be anyone with a pulse. But having seen some of their members, that would make the number of active members about 4! Laughing

"I'm shocked, shocked! by the massaging of numbers going on here . . . . "
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 2:02 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

Active members today 1050, very good, but the latest member is still the same???

So I suppose the criterium for active ew membership has been changed overnight, that can be done easily, just extend the time laps, e.g. has been on line or posted in the last 3 months > the last 4 months. Very Happy Very Happy

Actually I am not at all interested in these stats, the interesting people are now in other places, by their own choice or chased away. How sad for a once so good forum ruined by bad management and disrespect for members... No No No
Off to more positive thoughts and a good laughter... LOLflag

This is why I do not believe anything when stats are quoted. They are be geared to fit the situation. I guess we will see the member numbers drop again for the next month and then they can change the rules again in another month. ROFL Driving
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Clix Pix

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 2:06 pm

Chances are that the numbers jump up because something happened 30 days ago which had a lot of people who had been dormant popping in for a look to see what was going on -- you know how controversy always draws people like flies! Anybody remember what happened on or around January 26th?
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 2:13 pm

Clix Pix wrote:
Chances are that the numbers jump up because something happened 30 days ago which had a lot of people who had been dormant popping in for a look to see what was going on -- you know how controversy always draws people like flies! Anybody remember what happened on or around January 26th?

No, but on February 1 the World Fan Meet was announced by the OS group. Could be close enough!

This response was posted by K.

I would like to inform this forum that nor the Admins or the Staff have been informed about this Meet and Greet.
Susan has been very clear in her wish not to have events with a great amount of fans.

Going to Scotland without previous approval of Susan or her team is an intrusion on Susan's life and on the people of Blackburn.

Whatever you do, please do it via private messaging.
I'm therefore closing this thread while I consult with Susan's team and see what Susan wants to do regarding fans celebrating with her and will get back to you.

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Clix Pix

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 2:21 pm

There we go..... See, I was right!

Thanks, Sucanfun!
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 2:58 pm

No, the criterium must have been reset, in the last month there have been only 6 new members... Popcorn Popcorn
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 3:23 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:
No, the criterium must have been reset, in the last month there are only 6 new members... Popcorn Popcorn

I understand what you are saying Tonnie. They cannot simply re instate the ones that dropped off last month. Whatever, they will skew the stats for their gain.
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 3:38 pm

It's really hard to believe, but I'm not interested anymore in their "half truths"... No No

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 4:57 pm

sucanfun wrote:
Clix Pix wrote:
Chances are that the numbers jump up because something happened 30 days ago which had a lot of people who had been dormant popping in for a look to see what was going on -- you know how controversy always draws people like flies! Anybody remember what happened on or around January 26th?

No, but on February 1 the World Fan Meet was announced by the OS group. Could be close enough!

This response was posted by K.

I would like to inform this forum that nor the Admins or the Staff have been informed about this Meet and Greet.
Susan has been very clear in her wish not to have events with a great amount of fans.

Going to Scotland without previous approval of Susan or her team is an intrusion on Susan's life and on the people of Blackburn.

Whatever you do, please do it via private messaging.
I'm therefore closing this thread while I consult with Susan's team and see what Susan wants to do regarding fans celebrating with her and will get back to you.

Well closing threads is par for the course isn't it. ?? I call it taking away freedom of speech. But this isn't the first time nor will it be the last. This is what one can call a dictatorship.
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 5:54 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

It's really hard to believe, but I'm not interested anymore in their "half truths"... No No

Some stats Untitl18

Does anyone really believe ANYTHING that crew puts forward anymore?? All the mods, admin., and THEIR minions could have 10 usernames apiece by now! In the off-time, with no Susan news, they expect us to believe that active membership spiked in one day by about 100 members!!! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! Does anyone want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge?--I can get it cheap!!! ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 6:00 pm

No thank you on the Brooklyn Bridge and no thank you on believing the sudden spike of 100 members at SBFII. I don't think I am that stupid. SBFII can mess around with figures and make it come out the way they want it to.
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 6:49 pm

Clix Pix wrote:
Chances are that the numbers jump up because something happened 30 days ago which had a lot of people who had been dormant popping in for a look to see what was going on -- you know how controversy always draws people like flies! Anybody remember what happened on or around January 26th?
tonnie_rocca wrote:
No, the criterium must have been reset, in the last month there have been only 6 new members... Popcorn Popcorn
I think Tonnie is right, Clix. If someone who was not active suddenly showed up, they would be counted as an active member immediately, not 30 days later.

There are three ways they could have gotten more active members:

1) More members sign up. That was not the case. The latest member was the same.

2) A lot of inactive members suddenly become active again. Unlikely without an event such as a CD or appearance.

3) Change the definition of active member. This is the most likely. They can specify the number days that must pass before a member is considered inactive.

vBullletin Manual:

Active Members Time Cut-Off
Enter a number of days here that represents a threshold for 'active' members. If a user has visited the board within the past number of days you specify, they are considered 'active'.

Enter '0' to treat all members as 'active'.

I expect EW will be changing it to '0' soon, if they haven't already.
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 7:15 pm

knudt wrote:
Clix Pix wrote:
Chances are that the numbers jump up because something happened 30 days ago which had a lot of people who had been dormant popping in for a look to see what was going on -- you know how controversy always draws people like flies! Anybody remember what happened on or around January 26th?
tonnie_rocca wrote:
No, the criterium must have been reset, in the last month there have been only 6 new members... Popcorn Popcorn
I think Tonnie is right, Clix. If someone who was not active suddenly showed up, they would be counted as an active member immediately, not 30 days later.

There are three ways they could have gotten more active members:

1) More members sign up. That was not the case. The latest member was the same.

2) A lot of inactive members suddenly become active again. Unlikely without an event such as a CD or appearance.

3) Change the definition of active member. This is the most likely. They can specify the number days that must pass before a member is considered inactive.

vBullletin Manual:

Active Members Time Cut-Off
Enter a number of days here that represents a threshold for 'active' members. If a user has visited the board within the past number of days you specify, they are considered 'active'.

Enter '0' to treat all members as 'active'.

I expect EW will be changing it to '0' soon, if they haven't already.

The sad thing is if the bloody place had been run right there would be no need to massage the membership figures. They don't seem to grasp that fact.
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 7:19 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
tonnie_rocca wrote:

It's really hard to believe, but I'm not interested anymore in their "half truths"... No No

Some stats Untitl18

Does anyone really believe ANYTHING that crew puts forward anymore?? All the mods, admin., and THEIR minions could have 10 usernames apiece by now! In the off-time, with no Susan news, they expect us to believe that active membership spiked in one day by about 100 members!!! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! Does anyone want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge?--I can get it cheap!!! ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL

I'm starting to not believe you about the bridge anymore Fudge...I thought you already sold it twice last week. Is this some kind of Ponzi scheme stirpot
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 7:33 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

It's really hard to believe, but I'm not interested anymore in their "half truths"... No No

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laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry

Goodness they must have long noses!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 9:47 pm

If Tonnie hadn't put the graph in here, I wonder a) If the admins or mods would have noticed how their numbers had gone down b) suddenly changed the goalposts to make it look as if the numbers have gone up again?!?!?!

Fudgie, how much is the Brooklyn Bridge going for - in South African Rands please, I may well be interested as an investment!!! ROFL
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySun Feb 27, 2011 6:28 am

It went down ----

Threads 9,095 Posts 431,572 Members 5,222 Active Members 974
seems like a roller coaster now!
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySun Feb 27, 2011 6:35 am

The music is over, but the illusion lingers on... No No I'm really sorry for us commoners.

I don't know if their bus can take that hurdle... laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySun Feb 27, 2011 11:12 am

tonnie_rocca wrote:

The music is over, but the illusion lingers on... No No I'm really sorry for us commoners.

I don't know if their bus can take that hurdle... laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor

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That was a fast turnaround! They are on a rollercoaster ride or is it the "Drop of Doom!". LOLflag LOLflag
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Lovin' Every Minute

Lovin' Every Minute

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySun Feb 27, 2011 12:34 pm

Whoa!! What the hell happened there??!!?? confused
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Clix Pix

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySun Feb 27, 2011 5:42 pm

Anyone want to take bets that it will be down to 950 by a week from now?
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptySun Feb 27, 2011 10:59 pm

Clix Pix wrote:
Anyone want to take bets that it will be down to 950 by a week from now?

Nope. they will most likely play with their figures again to make them look good. LOL !!

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyFri Mar 11, 2011 7:10 am

Time for a stats update: No

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Clix Pix

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyFri Mar 11, 2011 2:45 pm

Wow, they're dropping like flies: 968 active members now. Just think of how many of those are lurkers, too, as I imagine that not more than 40 or 50 actually truly participate, as in post and interact with other members there.....
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 2:54 pm

ew's active membership updated, so sad, an absolute dip to 955... pirat pirat

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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 3:03 pm

mdillow31 wrote:
Clix Pix wrote:
Anyone want to take bets that it will be down to 950 by a week from now?

Nope. they will most likely play with their figures again to make them look good. LOL !!


More sock puppets coming up!!!! laughfloor laughfloor Wonder if their stats take into consideration some of them have double nics.
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 3:04 pm

I'm pretty certain it was at 961 only yesterday! What happened there?! confused
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 3:30 pm

xjsarah wrote:
I'm pretty certain it was at 961 only yesterday! What happened there?! confused

Maybe the video.. Question Question Question
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 3:36 pm

Good one, Whisper! They will leave in droves after that sickening event.
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PostSubject: Re: Some stats   Some stats EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 3:38 pm

sucanfun wrote:
Good one, Whisper! They will leave in droves after that sickening event.

Yes ten minutes to much .. Rolling Eyes Embarassed
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