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 The In Crowd-Updated Version

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Age : 75
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The In Crowd-Updated Version Empty
PostSubject: The In Crowd-Updated Version   The In Crowd-Updated Version EmptySat Apr 23, 2011 2:49 am

Here is the updated version of The In Crowd. Sung like the Dobie Gray version

I'm in with the in crowd, I go where the in crowd goes
I'm in with the in crowd and I know what the in crowd knows
Anytime of the year, don't you hear? Dressing fine, making time
We breeze up and down Susan's street, we get respect from the people we meet
They make way night or day, they know the in crowd is with Susan today
I'm in with the in crowd, I know all about the guilt
When you're in with the in crowd, it's so easy to bring a quilt
Any time of the year, don't you hear? If it's square, our quilt is there
We make every minute count, our share is always the biggest amount
Other forums try to imitate us, but the original is still the sleaziest, in crowd!
Any time of the year, don't you hear? Spendin' cash, talkin' trash
I'll show you a real good time, come to Susan's with me, and leave the sheepies
I don't care where you've been, you ain't been nowhere til you've been
in Blackbern
WIth the in crowd, with the in crowd, in crowd!

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