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 Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G??

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Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? Empty
PostSubject: Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G??   Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? EmptySun May 08, 2011 7:56 pm

The California Meet and Greet is the same weekend as the Billboard Awards. Makes one wonder since a lot of the "in crowd" will be there; including Mr. and Mrs. Stevieboy. Maybe they know something?????? confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused
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Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G??   Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? EmptyMon May 09, 2011 1:24 am

fudgemeister wrote:
The California Meet and Greet is the same weekend as the Billboard Awards. Makes one wonder since a lot of the "in crowd" will be there; including Mr. and Mrs. Stevieboy. Maybe they know something?????? confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused
Whaddaya mean maybe??
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Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G??   Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? EmptyMon May 09, 2011 1:56 am

I knew it!!!!!!!!!!! Must mean that Susan will be sneaking in under the radar. Why does this not surprise me in the least.
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Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G??   Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? EmptyMon May 09, 2011 2:14 am

pancake wrote:
I knew it!!!!!!!!!!! Must mean that Susan will be sneaking in under the radar. Why does this not surprise me in the least.
I am just guessing, have NO knowledge. Maybe they thought that IF Susan showed up, they would be in the right place at the right time. Or maybe they were able to get tickets, since they are such good friends of important people. Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick
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Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G??   Billboard Awards & Calif. M &G?? EmptyMon May 09, 2011 4:34 am

Anyone know if Billboard tips off the winners in advance? Some awards do, many don't. If Susan knows she's won something, she might show up to collect it.
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