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 Now THIS is how to run a M&G!

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Clix Pix
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Clix Pix

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Now THIS is how to run a M&G! Empty
PostSubject: Now THIS is how to run a M&G!   Now THIS is how to run a M&G! EmptyWed Sep 21, 2011 11:49 pm

Apparently other stars and their managers are very careful about arranging M&Gs. Perhaps a lesson could be taken here? In some instances there is even a fee to fans for participation in a M&G. On a discussion forum about another singer, I just spotted this description of what is expected of a fan who has signed up for an upcoming M&G with that particular star. Susan's team ought to take note..... I really think it would resolve a lot of the issues we've seen with Susan's fans and the various M&G situations.

The other star's fan posted what had been received in email prior to the event itself:

Thank you for ordering the VIP Package for the [star's name omitted] concert on Sunday October 16th at the [location omitted]. By now, you should have received your concert tickets. We will shortly be mailing you additional tickets for the Meet & Greet, which will take place following the concert. Please bring these tickets with you to the concert, as you will need to present them for entry to the Meet & Greet.

Immediately after the concert, please stop at the [details omitted] table in the main lobby with your Meet & Greet tickets. I myself or another member of the [venue's] staff will be there to check you in and direct you to the stage door. You will also need to present your ticket at the stage door. Please be prepared to present ID if necessary.

A few details about the Meet & Greet:

-It will begin as soon as possible after the concert has ended, and should last no more than 30-40 minutes.

-A professional photographer will be on hand to take your picture with [the star]. A digital copy of the photo will be sent to you at this e-mail address (please send a reply ASAP if you would prefer it be sent to a different address).

-No other photography or video recording will be permitted. Cell phones must be turned off and stowed.

-At the event, you will receive a poster autographed by [the star]. No other items will be signed.

-Please refrain from any personal contact with [the star] other than a handshake (i.e. no hugging).

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PostSubject: Re: Now THIS is how to run a M&G!   Now THIS is how to run a M&G! EmptyThu Sep 22, 2011 12:03 am

Clix--it is radical thinking such as this that got you banned at SBFII. What you propose is blasphemy, you heathen! Besides, what influence will Tweety and Stinky have then?
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PostSubject: Re: Now THIS is how to run a M&G!   Now THIS is how to run a M&G! EmptyThu Sep 22, 2011 12:11 am

fudgemeister wrote:
Clix--it is radical thinking such as this that got you banned at SBFII. What you propose is blasphemy, you heathen! Besides, what influence will Tweety and Stinky have then?

Tweety and Stinky? LMAO
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Now THIS is how to run a M&G! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now THIS is how to run a M&G!   Now THIS is how to run a M&G! EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 8:29 am

I suggested this a year ago on SBFII. But it never transpired. Ozzy Ozbourne came to Victoria last Nov, and ticketmaster sold VIP tickets, at nearly 900 a piece -- really big fans will pay that price to see their idol.

I know some here couldn't afford that, but it would end the whole Texas two step twins from getting free trips and such.
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Lovin' Every Minute

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PostSubject: Re: Now THIS is how to run a M&G!   Now THIS is how to run a M&G! EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 12:16 pm

My sister and her SO attended an event exactly as you describe following a Peter Frampton concert not too long ago (within the past year or two - ?) They paid extra for a VIP package which included a M&G backstage following the show, where they got to meet Pete (my sister's idol since the 70's, LOL!!!) and came away with a photo or three (professionally taken, I believe) and a signed guitar which is hanging in their house. But yes - it was for an extra fee, following the show, and was completely contolled by Peter's management.

I'm not aware of entertainers meeting with fans in their own home (talk about being trapped in an act not of one's own design!!!) or at some of these other public venues. Then again I've never been the over-the-top fan who joins fansites, etc. before Susan - so perhaps it's more common than I think. Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: Now THIS is how to run a M&G!   Now THIS is how to run a M&G! EmptyWed Sep 26, 2012 3:05 am

This is an old thread,---but I thought I'd add to it to tell about the great time I had at our New England M&G on Cape Cod this past weekend. There were eleven of us, altogether. A few more were expected but had to cancel at the last minute. As usual, Grace (Graysea) and Claire (Cmenard) had everything planned in detail-----and all the rest of us had to do was show up and enjoy the event. Grace and Claire's daughters Nancy and Pam accompanied their moms and were a huge help in getting everything running smoothly throughout the weekend. Marie Jean was there from VT, Louise (Lu--I'm sorry I don't know her forum name but will edit this when I find it) came from Rhode Island. Diane (Flo Baker) came all the way from Texas,---my husband and I drove down from NH,-----and our special guests, Linda (larcallait) and Bev (wayout) flew in from CA, but managed a tour of Maine and NH before arriving at the Cape on Sunday. I say "special" because it's the first time they have attended our New England M&G, so it was a real honor that they agreed to come all that way to take part.

In addition, Grits sent us Flat Susan to be part of the fun----and she stood watch over most of the proceedings. We got together for a welcome party on Sunday afternoon and spent the time getting re-acquainted as we waited for Linda and Bev to arrive. That evening, we had dinner in the pub/restaurant on site at the Irish Village where energetic and loud Irish music was played nearly the entire time we were there. Conversation was nearly impossible,---but dancing was not;-----and several of our group took to the dance floor singly and in groups to twirl to the music.

The next morning, we embarked on a boat ride out of Hyannis and around Hyannis Harbor where we got a good view of the lovely beach-front homes & marinas, including the Kennedy summer compound & homes along the shore in Hyannisport. It was a bright, sunny day; and although the breeze off the water was cool, the sun kept us warm and comfortable throughout the trip. Bev and Linda decided to take the ferry to Martha's Vineyard for the afternoon----and the rest of us met later for lunch at the Yarmouth House restaurant where there was NO music, save for some very light background selections piped in via the PA system. So we had a good chance to talk and visit----and discuss the latest Susan news, such as it is. Lots of speculation about the 4th album and when it might appear. Same as we've all been doing on all the forums.

Husband and I had to leave that evening to get back for work (his) the next day,---but not before the last event of the day which was more games and fun, including a talent show and a fashion show. Husband and I, along with Marie Jean, Louise, and wayout had worked up a musical number as our "talent." Several months ago, Marie Jean had suggested we sing "Oh Baby Mine,"---an old favorite from the Statler Bros. That was vaguely familiar to me. So I checked it out on YouTube---and Mr. Wam and I pretty much learned our parts from that. By the time we had gotten with the others, things came together pretty well with a bit of practice. And by performance time, we were sounding pretty good! We'd already concluded that we'd let the audience decide whether we were a musical group or a comedy group;---so we were pleased when we got a standing ovation and they seemed to judge us "musical." Grace exclaimed with a laugh, "You weren't supposed to be GOOD!!" So I guess we "done okay." Other acts were a magic act (card trick) by Marie Jean----and an outrageous "fashion show" put on by Claire, in spangles, red, sparkly heels, red feather bow and a tiara,----and Grace in an equally wild costume topped off with a tall "Cat-in the Hat"-sized top hat.

They had just ordered pizza and the M&G was still in full swing when Mr. Wam and I left for home. Hard to leave that fun-loving group, but we knew we'd be getting home after 11 p.m.,---so we had no choice. All in all,---it was a great time---and I expect there will be a springtime M&G coming up here in Concord sometime early next year. By then, I hope we'll have a lot more Susan news to discuss. Those of you who have access to other forums, be on the look-out for pictures from the M&G. I'm sure there will be some posted,---possibly even videos, if I know this group. There were lot of cameras lurking.
(This post also appears in the "Toronto M&G" thread in the rant section.)

Last edited by WAMcKinley on Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Clix Pix

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Now THIS is how to run a M&G! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now THIS is how to run a M&G!   Now THIS is how to run a M&G! EmptyWed Sep 26, 2012 3:22 am

Sounds as though you had a great time, WAM! Thanks for sharing this with us!
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Now THIS is how to run a M&G! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now THIS is how to run a M&G!   Now THIS is how to run a M&G! EmptyWed Sep 26, 2012 1:05 pm

Hey Wam, where's the Youtube ??? Sounds like you had lots of fun!!!
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