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 In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal...

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In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... Empty
PostSubject: In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal...   In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 12:12 pm

In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... apart from the fact that it's rather childish.

And inviting people to do so also. Just that you know. Very Happy Very Happy
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In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... Empty
PostSubject: Re: In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal...   In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 5:10 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... apart from the fact that it's rather childish.

And inviting people to do so also. Just that you know. Very Happy Very Happy
Yes....but that is what a fanatic does! No No No No No
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In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... Empty
PostSubject: Re: In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal...   In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 9:04 pm

It only makes things hard for the people who work there. They must put everything right on the displays, over and over every day, but employees don't decide product placement issues, believe me. It's what's called a "meaningless gesture." Hard to realize EWers don't have a friggin' clue about so very many things!
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In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... Empty
PostSubject: Re: In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal...   In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... EmptyWed Nov 30, 2011 8:08 pm

skywriter wrote:
It only makes things hard for the people who work there. They must put everything right on the displays, over and over every day, but employees don't decide product placement issues, believe me. It's what's called a "meaningless gesture." Hard to realize EWers don't have a friggin' clue about so very many things!

I used to work in a bookstore and music store, it's the biggest issue, customers will plunk a book down and not bother to put it back becauase they found another book that they wanted more or whatever....same with music/DVDs some will just re-arrange things for their own benefit....it's doesn't matter what happens to Joe-blow, as they think it's funny or cute, or better. The store has a certain order that they get from their boss, some stores have to have it look the same way....and they can get fired if it's not changed back or fixed up.

I don't think it's right, I have never re-arranged or just plunked something down for another item. Unless I worked for that company it's not my job to do so.
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In my book, moving CD's around in a shop is not legal... Empty
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