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 The International Traveling T Shirts

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The International Traveling T Shirts Empty
PostSubject: The International Traveling T Shirts   The International Traveling T Shirts EmptySat Dec 10, 2011 9:46 am

SBFII is holding another auction. This time for T shirts that were signed by Susan at the secret NYC Meet and Greet last August. These T shirts were brought from Texas to NYC. Somehow, they ended up in Scotland for the Ebay auction. As Groucho might say, "How they got there, I'll never know!" Since most SBFII fans are in the USA, one can assume that a number of them will be shipped back to the States! One question--do these shirts have passports?

lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol!

Hey, I have an idea. Up the bids by promising that they will be delivered anywhere worldwide by a "bossy cow"! What fan wouldn't pay the big bucks for that!? Better idea--a bossy cow and a Latin hunk!! Bids through the roof!! laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor
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Posts : 84248
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The International Traveling T Shirts Empty
PostSubject: Re: The International Traveling T Shirts   The International Traveling T Shirts EmptySat Dec 10, 2011 10:17 am

Maybe we can have an auction here. Stuff from the Tacky Gift Shop. How about bean splattered overalls from Mr. Potatohead, with him hand delivering it? One way to get him off his island! Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor
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The International Traveling T Shirts Empty
PostSubject: Re: The International Traveling T Shirts   The International Traveling T Shirts EmptySat Dec 10, 2011 1:37 pm

Wait they still have Susan's used fork and knife napkin and left over fish and chips she didn't eat to auction off.
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The International Traveling T Shirts Empty
PostSubject: Re: The International Traveling T Shirts   The International Traveling T Shirts EmptySat Dec 10, 2011 5:45 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
SBFII is holding another auction. This time for T shirts that were signed by Susan at the secret NYC Meet and Greet last August. These T shirts were brought from Texas to NYC. Somehow, they ended up in Scotland for the Ebay auction. As Groucho might say, "How they got there, I'll never know!" Since most SBFII fans are in the USA, one can assume that a number of them will be shipped back to the States! One question--do these shirts have passports?

lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol!

Hey, I have an idea. Up the bids by promising that they will be delivered anywhere worldwide by a "bossy cow"! What fan wouldn't pay the big bucks for that!? Better idea--a bossy cow and a Latin hunk!! Bids through the roof!! laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor

Yeah well, it appears the alleged loonies have a direct line to God, or so they seem to believe. Perhaps they heard voices again telling them to take them to Scotland! Rolling Eyes
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Posts : 84248
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Join date : 2010-10-25
Age : 75
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The International Traveling T Shirts Empty
PostSubject: Re: The International Traveling T Shirts   The International Traveling T Shirts EmptySat Dec 10, 2011 5:56 pm

Admin wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
SBFII is holding another auction. This time for T shirts that were signed by Susan at the secret NYC Meet and Greet last August. These T shirts were brought from Texas to NYC. Somehow, they ended up in Scotland for the Ebay auction. As Groucho might say, "How they got there, I'll never know!" Since most SBFII fans are in the USA, one can assume that a number of them will be shipped back to the States! One question--do these shirts have passports?

lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol! ROFL lol!

Hey, I have an idea. Up the bids by promising that they will be delivered anywhere worldwide by a "bossy cow"! What fan wouldn't pay the big bucks for that!? Better idea--a bossy cow and a Latin hunk!! Bids through the roof!! laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor

Yeah well, it appears the alleged loonies have a direct line to God, or so they seem to believe. Perhaps they heard voices again telling them to take them to Scotland! Rolling Eyes
(Said in a whisper) IF you ship it to Scotland........they WILL bid!! laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor
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