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 Susans E-mail Address

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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 1:03 am

Susan doesn't have one!

According to Steviebore, who whipped members of Amazing into a frenzy of anticipation that Susan would finally be visiting them, Susan doesn't have an e-mail address and thus she couldn't visit them.

Therefore, Susan does not drop in to view the threads about herself; she isn't reading the posts.

The threats by SBFII admin that 'Susan could be reading these posts' are just that - threats to control members by using their worry of potentially hurting Susans feelings should they post something slightly contentious.

The offensive name "Lirpa Loof" (i.e. April Fool) is a user name made up by SBFII and which Steviebore used in the past to have Susan go on-line to chat to members - therefore, Susans previous visits (only when Steviebore was with her) are now used as threats to make members behave - and believe that Susan still drops in from time to time to read posts independently. If she has no e-mail address, she can't. I always thought is was uncharacteristic for Susan to want to read posts about herself anyway, especially when she doesn't even want to know how well her CD's are selling or where in the charts she is placed!

Yet another example of the tactics used by SBFII to manipulate and control its members through deception and lies. How is that site a good representative to the general public of the generosity, compassion and honesty that is Susan Boyles character and behaviour?

There is no need to control adult members of a forum to that extent unless there are specific and calculated reasons for doing so - to funnel fans to them exclusively for specific gains and/or for dominance over all other sites? Looks like it to me.

Last edited by Emmylou on Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 1:16 am

Not only that, Emmylou, imagine the gall that Stevieboy is deciding which fan sites should have access to Susan. On his own! I wonder if he contacted Andy Stephens about this idea. The word "chutspah" does not even begin to describe this action on his part.
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 2:59 am

Of course Susan has an email address, but not one she wants to give to the fans, not even the "important" ones... pirat
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 3:17 am

tonnie_rocca wrote:

Of course Susan has an email address, but not one she wants to give to the fans, not even the "important" ones... pirat

Shh Tonnie! They'll scour the web for all combinations they can think of to get her personal one! Smile But I'm sure they already have!
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 3:21 am

Emmylou wrote:
tonnie_rocca wrote:

Of course Susan has an email address, but not one she wants to give to the fans, not even the "important" ones... pirat

Shh Tonnie! They'll scour the web for all combinations they can think of to get her personal one! Smile But I'm sure they already have!

They will never get it. Susan is smart enough not to hand it out to fans... even those who think they are so very important. Smile
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 3:23 am

Susan is Not computer literate and I would really doubt that she has email. She would NEVER use it.
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 7:36 am

nevermore wrote:
Susan is Not computer literate and I would really doubt that she has email. She would NEVER use it.
I didn't know she wasn't computer literate, how do you know this?
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 9:35 am

Sassyone wrote:
nevermore wrote:
Susan is Not computer literate and I would really doubt that she has email. She would NEVER use it.
I didn't know she wasn't computer literate, how do you know this?
When she asked me how to see something on YouTube I explained that you put the name in the search box and she didn't understand it. 
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 10:00 am

Or Stev. simply didn't realize the consequences of his words, it's possible... Rolling Eyes
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptyMon Jan 23, 2012 2:20 am

nevermore wrote:
Sassyone wrote:
nevermore wrote:
Susan is Not computer literate and I would really doubt that she has email. She would NEVER use it.
I didn't know she wasn't computer literate, how do you know this?
When she asked me how to see something on YouTube I explained that you put the name in the search box and she didn't understand it. 
Yeah, but still, she will have an email set up through Sony for her business/work related, no one else needs to know that but her PA. Just because she didn't get You Tube doesn't mean she doesn't understand how to type in a message and send one. She's not that simple minded.
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Susans E-mail Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susans E-mail Address   Susans E-mail Address EmptyMon Jan 23, 2012 2:36 am

We know Susan is anything but simple-minded. She's as sharp as a tack and a very canny Scot. She's not going to be stupid enough to give out any email address that is personally connected with her to anyone who is not a close personal friend or a relative or someone who needs to have that address...... Fans are not going to be included in her email address book and email interactions. I suspect that most of her communications that come via email are business-related anyway and that her PA handles all of that for her. I am pretty sure that if Susan wants to communicate with one of her sisters or brothers or other relatives or with a friend, she will simply pick up the phone and call them.
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