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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 7:27 pm

WAMcKinley wrote:
  Well, I know nothing about forums that have been established where members have freedom of speech--- and then those forums finally die out and fade away.   That certainly doesn't apply to this one,---so what forum was being referenced, I wonder??   We've done nothing but grow,---recently having acquired another five members from "over there" who were tired of having their opinions censored and of being lectured as though they were naughty children.   I can well recall how annoying that was and how insulting.   And I'm not referring to members making angry rants or insulting posts,----I mean people who only expressed an opinion that was different from the established party line.   Step out of that narrow restricted zone and you get the message from Mommy, "Don't make me come up there, now!!"  Stretch those narrow limits too far, and you're on the "time-out" stool,---possibly forever.   All it took to get me out the door there was a very short series of PMs with another member who disagreed with my POV.   I guess my POV was threatening enough to her that she couldn't even tell me she didn't want to continue the discussion with me.   Instead, she reported me to Daddy Kalua, who kindly took care of the unsavory duty for her ( poor "Precious" little soul) and banned me.   We had been told at that forum that PM conversations were private and that administration didn't/couldn't read them.   When K. quoted me some of the very words I had used concerning him and some previous true incidents that had happened to me which had been contained in those "so-called" private PMs,----I then knew for a fact they were in no way private.   Oh, well,---live and learn, huh?   Anyone who thinks this forum is a bitter, angry, gloomy place has certainly never been a member here.   Good humor and interesting discussions over a wide range of topics are what we're all about.   The fresh, clear air of freedom is a wonderful thing!
Maybe the new forum with the disgruntled English and Scottish people.lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

And, of course, a HUGE thanks goes to the Boss here, DJG, one of the finest "moderators" I know!Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers 
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 7:32 pm

You must mean "non-moderators," right??--------Very Happy 
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 7:42 pm

WAMcKinley wrote:
  You must mean "non-moderators," right??--------Very Happy 
Yes---I tried to convey that with the quotation marks and the winking. If DJG "moderated" as much as ElseWhere, he would have been in the Priory years ago!LOLflag LOLflag LOLflag
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 7:59 pm

Just heard of some major whining and pouting tantrums being staged "elsewhere" by one of the more thin-skinned of the bunch.   Something about the fact that his crayon drawings never get chosen to be taped to the refrigerator.   So he's going to take his toys and climb out of the sandbox.   Must be like walking on eggshells over there, trying to keep from injuring someone or another's  tender feelings!   Sheesh!   Glad to be here on the adult forum!!----Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Last edited by WAMcKinley on Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 8:01 pm

Methinks that little group that had their falling out and went off to their self recently and just came back,   got lonely.   They didn't have anyone to talk with to boss around.  lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 8:11 pm

WAMcKinley wrote:
  Well, I know nothing about forums that have been established where members have freedom of speech--- and then those forums finally die out and fade away.   That certainly doesn't apply to this one,---so what forum was being referenced, I wonder??   We've done nothing but grow,---recently having acquired another five members from "over there" who were tired of having their opinions censored and of being lectured as though they were naughty children.   I can well recall how annoying that was and how insulting.   And I'm not referring to members making angry rants or insulting posts,----I mean people who only expressed an opinion that was different from the established party line.   Step out of that narrow restricted zone and you get the message from Mommy, "Don't make me come up there, now!!"  Stretch those narrow limits too far, and you're on the "time-out" stool,---possibly forever.   All it took to get me out the door there was a very short series of PMs with another member who disagreed with my POV.   I guess my POV was threatening enough to her that she couldn't even tell me she didn't want to continue the discussion with me.   Instead, she reported me to Daddy Kalua, who kindly took care of the unsavory duty for her ( poor "Precious" little soul) and banned me.   We had been told at that forum that PM conversations were private and that administration didn't/couldn't read them.   When K. quoted me some of the very words I had used concerning him and some previous true incidents that had happened to me which had been contained in those "so-called" private PMs,----I then knew for a fact they were in no way private.   Oh, well,---live and learn, huh?   Anyone who thinks this forum is a bitter, angry, gloomy place has certainly never been a member here.   Good humor and interesting discussions over a wide range of topics are what we're all about.   The fresh, clear air of freedom is a wonderful thing!
You think that is bad....they once tried to sanction me for what i had posted on THIS forum!!! Talk about chutzpah!
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 8:18 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 7:23 pm

I was at EW almost from the beginning.  It used to be fun.  My posts probably averaged 7-8 a day for quite a while, so I was pretty active.  Then it became less fun.  I found I ruffled feathers if I disagreed.  But, if this was how I felt and we were supposed to "discuss", I wasn't about to change my opinion.  Why should I be a hypocrite?

I have a brain.  I don't need to be constantly reminded about Rule #1,2,3,4,etc.  There is a rule for practically everything now.  I'm also an adult.  I find it insulting to be preached to and lectured to about what can be said, what can't be said, and what Susan might think.   I don't believe I've ever had anything deleted, but maybe I have had and didn't realize it.  But, am I anxious to post and enter a conversation anymore????  Not on your life!  If I'm not agreeing with the crowd, someone will come flying in saying I'm dead wrong or violating Rule #4593, or is it #4594?

The last flair-up just made me shake my head in amazement.  Rude comments and snide remarks were allowed to stand, a former administrator lectured almost non-stop until my eyes glazed over, and then when when it appeared all those who dared speak their mind had been put to sleep, the thread was conveniently closed.  Lecture them until they become comatose - that solves the problem.

There was a question as to why there are so few posts anymore.  Really?  I will answer that.  I will not post just to say "I agree".  I will not post to agree with something I don't believe.  I'm tired of saying "thank you" over and over again.
I cannot post to disagree because I'll get smacked down.  That leaves Happy Birthday, Congratulations, or condolences.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 7:33 pm

Amen Corkie, it was the same for me also. I did post on the raffle thread the other day, because we could joke around and not be off topic. However, if one have a serious opinion about something and it isn't the popular opinion, forget it and yes, one has probably broken one of the many rules. Rulez 
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 9:00 pm

I remember how much fun we had therein 2009-especially the thread that eventually was allowed to be called Daydream Believers.  There is a reason there are so many posts there.  I notice now that they haven't even opened a new sandbox since closing the other one. Usually it is done at the same time. Guess they don't trust anyone.

Not sure what will be discussed there this winter, when Susan generally takes a few months off. Hope there are a lot of winter birthdays.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 9:03 pm

monkey wrote:
I remember how much fun we had therein 2009-especially the thread that eventually was allowed to be called Daydream Believers.  There is a reason there are so many posts there.  I notice now that they haven't even opened a new sandbox since closing the other one. Usually it is done at the same time. Guess they don't trust anyone.

Not sure what will be discussed there this winter, when Susan generally takes a few months off. Hope there are a lot of winter birthdays.
Good way to punish children, take away a privilege. Laughing 
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Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 9:23 pm

WAMcKinley wrote:
  Well, I know nothing about forums that have been established where members have freedom of speech--- and then those forums finally die out and fade away.   That certainly doesn't apply to this one,---so what forum was being referenced, I wonder??   We've done nothing but grow,---recently having acquired another five members from "over there" who were tired of having their opinions censored and of being lectured as though they were naughty children.   I can well recall how annoying that was and how insulting.   And I'm not referring to members making angry rants or insulting posts,----I mean people who only expressed an opinion that was different from the established party line.   Step out of that narrow restricted zone and you get the message from Mommy, "Don't make me come up there, now!!"  Stretch those narrow limits too far, and you're on the "time-out" stool,---possibly forever.   All it took to get me out the door there was a very short series of PMs with another member who disagreed with my POV.   I guess my POV was threatening enough to her that she couldn't even tell me she didn't want to continue the discussion with me.   Instead, she reported me to Daddy Kalua, who kindly took care of the unsavory duty for her ( poor "Precious" little soul) and banned me.   We had been told at that forum that PM conversations were private and that administration didn't/couldn't read them.   When K. quoted me some of the very words I had used concerning him and some previous true incidents that had happened to me which had been contained in those "so-called" private PMs,----I then knew for a fact they were in no way private.   Oh, well,---live and learn, huh?   Anyone who thinks this forum is a bitter, angry, gloomy place has certainly never been a member here.   Good humor and interesting discussions over a wide range of topics are what we're all about.   The fresh, clear air of freedom is a wonderful thing!
I think that post referred to the little bitty ones set up by Tink, LT and Paulie. Otherwise, have no idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 9:26 pm

If LT and Tink set them up, I doubt there was much freedom of speech there. Lots of lecturing, though.---Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes 
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Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 6:43 pm

Now we know why there is a sandbox there. Apparently a number of members there conveniently "forget" ancient history AND the wrongdoing perpetrated against many members of this site. Remember the "DJGers are taking over the forum" charge? Or the false charges against well respected members in July 2010. How about the board manipulating that was going on by the admin there which was well documented in the 3 blogs posted by respected members? BUT....WE ARE the supposed bad guys!!! So...enjoy your sandbox-----

Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 Head-in-the-sand
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 9:28 pm

Oh dear, have the old dears got their quilts in a twist again?! Wink What's suddenly upset them now?
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 9:39 pm

Well, since bullying is such a hot topic over there, ask the SBFII Admins what happened in my "Welcome Back Catin" thread from a few years ago. In that thread I was bullied, trolled, and baited. I was also actually threatened by a 5 usernamed member over there. Everyone was involved in it--mods, members, board, and the admin. But that is conveniently forgotten too. Do you think we all just woke up one day and decided to bad mouth the admin. over there for no reason??!!
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Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 9:50 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
Well, since bullying is such a hot topic over there, ask the SBFII Admins what happened in my "Welcome Back Catin" thread from a few years ago. In that thread I was bullied, trolled, and baited. I was also actually threatened by a 5 usernamed member over there. Everyone was involved in it--mods, members, board, and the admin. But that is conveniently forgotten too. Do you think we all just woke up one day and decided to bad mouth the admin. over there for no reason??!!

Maybe they set things strait and are fair to those who have been banned..?????
I mean they took Pendragon back and some others. Why not you...????
Yes you got a raw deal so did others. There were different board at the time and different mods and different admins I believe.......Shocked 
Time heals all maybe some real healing can come about....I love you 
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 10:51 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 11:20 pm

Tell me again why WAM got banned....I forgot!

She is such a kind and gentle soul!Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 11:29 pm

I hear members of another forum are having some fun reading our guest forum today. Good for you!
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 11:42 pm

I feel one of the things we're missing here, between forums, is the opportunity to dialogue.  What we end up doing, instead, is to throw invectives, accusations, and such at one another over the fence, which never accomplishes anything positive.   Since I was banned from SBFII, it's no longer possible for me to comment over there about what is said about us over here.   I was made aware of a couple of comments today that I'd like to address.   Marty, I'm not aware that anyone applying for membership here is screened out because they don't agree to malign your forum.   Speaking from from my own experience, I joined this forum while still a member over there.   In fact I was still a moderator.   It was quite apparent back then that there was a great deal of animosity between the two forums, and I decided to come over and try to get a bead on what that was all about.   Several of the other mods discouraged me, but I felt it would be instructive, at least, to get a firsthand view of the situation.   So I notified the admin. via a post in the staff room, adding that I was not about to act as a spy.   I would not be carrying information to or from either forum.   I would only observe.   When I approached DJG, he warned me that I might not like some of the things I was likely to read in his forum.   But I was allowed to come ahead, which I did.   It truly was an education as I slowly began to understand the dissatisfaction of some of the members at this forum.   Remember that things were far more restrictive and punitive back in those days from what they are today.   Members were sanctioned for the slightest infraction and banned with little provocation.   After joining DJG's site, when I was present at the old forum, I was much more aware of what was going on then and saw things from a different perspective.   I began to notice how members were being treated---and it changed my outlook dramatically.  These days, although members there are still under a lot of restrictions concerning what they can and can't say, you appear to have a much "kinder and gentler" forum in many ways from what existed in the past.   It's not the forum it used to be, by a long shot.  A number of our members weren't even around during the blow-up of July 2010, so don't know what transpired until they read the blogs that were written to set the record straight.   They don't have the legacy issues that a lot of the rest of us do.   So as a result, they are immune to some of the issues we raise,----and that's okay.   There's certainly no requirement here that we all agree on everything.   If that were a requirement,---most of us wouldn't be here.   We had enough of group-think previously.  (Or at least "group-speak.") To return a moment to my past there, I found out much later that when I joined DJG's forum, Paul Wood wanted to ban me on the spot.   My banning didn't happen until later,---but that's an example of the mind set of those early days. "Do as I say, or you're outta here!"

  There's been a lot of water under the bridge,---some of it pretty dirty water.   I'm sorry so many bad feelings still exist; but as I mentioned earlier, it's hard to resolve issues when there's no opportunity to dialogue.   This is my only chance to speak to most of you over there,--and so I have.   I'm glad you are happy at your forum.   It seems to satisfy your needs, just as being here gives the members here what they need.   Had things been handled differently in the beginning, who knows,-----we might all still be one big forum.   I think we're all where we need to be, for whatever reason(s).   Maybe that's "a good thing."

  I'd like to give a shout-out to RIK, too, for his comments, as he tried valiantly to explain how he felt about our forum.   And I'd like very much to comment on his remarks,---but quite frankly, I couldn't understand what he was saying.   Apparently he had to try so hard to couch his feelings in wording acceptable to the rules of the forum, that the meaning was totally lost,---at least to me.   Sorry RIK.   But carry on.   Good to hear from you.
  A few at SBFII have my email address, should anyone care to speak with me directly.   As I hope you know, I will always give it to you straight, as I know it to be.   We may not agree, but at least we can talk about it.   My best to you all, as always.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 12:01 am

Amazing how the sandbox thread morphed into a thread addressing bullying and trolling, then onto a thread critiquing this forum.
If anyone really wants to understand what has happened, you must understand history.  We all started out on a blog. http://susan-boyle.com/pages/blog  If you research there you will see several names you may recognize or not, depending on how "new" you are.  You will see different personalities already developing, DJG-Scotland is being his helpful self.
After the blog came the forum, and with that also began the problems.  Why was that?  Well this would be JHMO, but it seemed to be about control, on many levels.  Don't get me wrong the blog was an open house for trolls and they came, but we weeded them out and continued on with the fun.  However, on the forum no longer just celebrated Susan, we spent a lot of time sparing about forum issues.  There were some smaller forums started, but most fell by the way side.  At the point of the new birth of the forum, I spent most of my time in the chat room.  I enjoyed that very much........until it was closed Sad at that time I went to the forum.
As time went on, people were banned (for various reasons) or put in time out.  All that did was cause simmering unrest, IMO.  Then came the Big War(July '10), when most of the damage was done, as far as splintering the original forum.  More people were banned or resigned, read these blogs.
This will not explain everything, but may help you understand some feeling unsettled. I realize this is the past, but everyone knows the past dictates the future. It does explain why there is still so many strong feelings.
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 3:10 am

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing 

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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 7:55 am

Unfortunately most people see only what they want to see and are not open to looking at the other point of view and most certainly do not want to see the truth and find out that, horror of horrors, they may be wrong. Pity!!!

We have had a couple of very balanced and fair posts here but those who do not want to see the truth and prefer to rant on about this terrible site will do so. We can't change people's natures and some just like destruction. Pity!!!

Many things are being taken out of context and used as "proof" that we are all such terrible people - well people must just believe what they want to believe and be the poorer for it. Pity!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Open Oh Sandbox   Open Oh Sandbox - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 12:01 pm

People use the Internet for affirmation rather than for information.
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