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 The Domingo Competition

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The Domingo Competition Empty
PostSubject: The Domingo Competition   The Domingo Competition EmptySat Sep 15, 2012 12:35 am

This is your call at West Lothian Racetrack. I am your caller, fudgemeister.

At the 1/4 turn Susan Boyle takes the early lead over Hilty. In 3rd place Groban, Connick in 4th, Jenkins on the move in 5th place. Botti is next to last with Placido Jr. dead last. Does not look like Sr. is rubbing off on Jr( laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor )

At the half Susan still has the lead, but that pesky Hilty is sticking right with her. Connick has taken over 3rd from Groban who trails him by a neck. The rest of the field remains the same--Jenkins, Botti, and Jr Domingo.

At the 3/4 turn Susan is fighting with all she has but she cannot pull away from Hilty. Groban and Connick still fighting it out for 3rd. Same order for the rest of the field.

(All of a sudden, a chant is going up at the track.)

I do not know what is going on, but everyone here is screaming "DO NOT PLAY #9, STOP WITH SUSAN!!
It seems to be working!! Susan Boyle is pulling away! She is flying! It is as if Hilty is standing still!

At the finish, we have Susan Boyle pulling away. Hilty rode her coattails for a long while but was able to hold off a surge from Groban. Connick took 4th, with Jenkins, Botti, and Domingo JR finishing in that order.

Once again, those amazing fans helped to put Susan over the top!

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The Domingo Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Domingo Competition   The Domingo Competition EmptySat Sep 15, 2012 3:58 am

Isn't there a penalty for fixing the race??!!------ Suspect Suspect Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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The Domingo Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Domingo Competition   The Domingo Competition EmptySat Sep 15, 2012 5:54 am

I would like someone to tweet to Placidos PR team that it is GROSSLY UNFAIR that the Susan/Placido duet sample play tally stops at one thousand plays! This is not a true indication of how many plays that particular duet is getting! It could be around 1, 700 now, for all we and the rest of the public knows!

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Posts : 84258
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The Domingo Competition Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Domingo Competition   The Domingo Competition EmptySat Sep 15, 2012 3:27 pm

Emmylou wrote:
I would like someone to tweet to Placidos PR team that it is GROSSLY UNFAIR that the Susan/Placido duet sample play tally stops at one thousand plays! This is not a true indication of how many plays that particular duet is getting! It could be around 1, 700 now, for all we and the rest of the public knows!

I am sure someone is contacting the internet police. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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