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 SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons!

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SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! Empty
PostSubject: SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons!   SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! EmptyWed Sep 26, 2012 1:09 pm

SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons!

Susan Boyle red scarf wearing fanatical loonies are today signing up for emergency acting lessons, after it was announced her life story is to be made into a movie.

The fanatics, who will apparently do anything to be cast in the role of SuBo, are flocking to world renowned acting coach Sir Luvvie Kissmyass.

“Yes, we’ve had a large influx of ageing wealthy American ladies wearing red scarves wanting acting lessons. They can’t act for toffee, but what the hell, I’ll take their wealthy husband’s money. I could do with another couple of storeys on the mansion!” cackled Sir Luvvie.

The fanatics are polishing their Scottish accents in readiness for their auditions.

“Och, yes, I’ve been to Scotland so many times I’m almost a native!” rambled a fanatic in a faux Scots accent, with more than a hint of Texan.

Male fanatics want in on the act too.

"Don't count me oot! I know I can play oor lassie, nae problem!" screeched a male fanatic in a comically over-the-top falsetto Scots accent.

Hollywood casting directors seem less than impressed.

“There’s no way we’re casting anyone over the age of 20. Mostly because we never cast anyone over the age of 20 for anything,” grumbled a casting director while squeezing his zits.

The movie, which will star people you’ve never heard of with very white teeth, perfect tans, and manicures, will start shooting nowhere near Scotland soon.
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SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons!   SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! EmptyWed Sep 26, 2012 2:14 pm

lol! LOLflag lol! LOLflag lol! LOLflag lol! LOLflag lol! LOLflag lol! LOLflag lol! LOLflag lol! LOLflag lol! LOLflag lol!

Can we ken who the male fanatic is??? ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL I have a guid guess!
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SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons!   SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! EmptyWed Sep 26, 2012 2:25 pm

Whoooops I think I'm gonna wet meself!!! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons!   SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! EmptyWed Sep 26, 2012 7:59 pm

SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! Funny_11
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SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons!   SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! EmptyThu Sep 27, 2012 1:48 am

"Och, sign me up foor Fred or Frank or even oor Susans dad. I ken the story inside and oot! And I ken how to speak Scots already!"

"Doan fergit me! Ahm a natch-ral in front of the camera! Ah lurve bein' on film with lil Susie B and she lurves me!"
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SuBo fanatics take emergency acting lessons! Empty
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