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 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!

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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyMon Oct 01, 2012 11:21 am

SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!

Susan Boyle red scarf wearing fanatical loonies are today showing signs of “loony angst” after an apparent promise by her record company to reveal the track listing for her fourth CD didn’t materialise.

The letdown has sent the fanatics into a meltdown, and prompted a flurry of calls to support group ‘Fanatics Anonymous’.

“We promote her more than her record company. Whom knows her better than we do? Her people should spend at least 25 hours a day on the internet looking at all our comments on all the news articles we hijack. Whom knows, we might actually say something useful one day,” rambled some old dear ‘whom’ seems to have been ‘blessed’ a little too much by SuBo.

“I can’t take this anymore. I have nothing else to worry about in my life other than every move Susan makes. I’m having sleepless nights worrying about this. I’m off to see my shrink,” wept some woman draped in diamonds.

“I don’t think it was her team at all. I think it’s all been a prank by those evil humor people. They have nothing better to do than irritate a load of old women they’ve never met,” sobbed some old dear.

“Och, ken guid nae oor lassie, och!” said some male fanatic in a kilt. Yeah, we’ve no idea either!

Fanatics who have been affected by this lack of announcement may contact Fanatics Anonymous on 5-555-GON-NUTS. Calls will be recorded and posted on the internet for everyone’s amusement!
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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyMon Oct 01, 2012 12:33 pm

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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyMon Oct 01, 2012 2:03 pm

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyMon Oct 01, 2012 5:33 pm

SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 493282 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 129410 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 493282 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 129410 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 493282 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 759488 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 759488 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 759488 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 493282 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 129410 SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! 493282
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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyWed Oct 03, 2012 7:16 pm

Well,---now we have the track list and the cover photo. I think Susan is going to please a lot of folks with this album with so many old favorites and a few ones not so well-known ---but still beautiful numbers from the musicals. Can't wait to hear them all as they're sure to be fantastic!! Happy day!! clapping clapping Cheeky Cheeky Cheeky
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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyWed Oct 03, 2012 7:58 pm

WAMcKinley wrote:
Well,---now we have the track list and the cover photo. I think Susan is going to please a lot of folks with this album with so many old favorites and a few ones not so well-known ---but still beautiful numbers from the musicals. Can't wait to hear them all as they're sure to be fantastic!! Happy day!! clapping clapping Cheeky Cheeky Cheeky
But according to the biggest SB forum.......we hate Susan, her team, her family, and her music! confused confused confused confused confused
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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyWed Oct 03, 2012 8:18 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
WAMcKinley wrote:
Well,---now we have the track list and the cover photo. I think Susan is going to please a lot of folks with this album with so many old favorites and a few ones not so well-known ---but still beautiful numbers from the musicals. Can't wait to hear them all as they're sure to be fantastic!! Happy day!! clapping clapping Cheeky Cheeky Cheeky
But according to the biggest SB forum.......we hate Susan, her team, her family, and her music! confused confused confused confused confused

It depends what you mean by 'biggest'. A few old dears who think any music other than Susan's is just 'noise' doesn't make them the 'biggest'. Given that they never let anyone leave, they can easily claim to be the 'biggest', even when there's only a handful of alleged loonies left.
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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyWed Oct 03, 2012 8:22 pm

I don't know.....over 50,000 fans is an awful lot! Yet, there are never more than 150 online. LOLflag ROFL LOLflag ROFL LOLflag ROFL LOLflag Are 49,850 in invisible mode???
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SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! Empty
PostSubject: Re: SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown!   SuBo fanatics in angst meltdown! EmptyThu Oct 04, 2012 3:45 am

Kookaburra is laughing his head off! Laughing
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