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 Who dares to send a card?!

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Who dares to send a card?! Empty
PostSubject: Who dares to send a card?!   Who dares to send a card?! EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 2:53 pm

Oh dear, oh dear! It would appear that some innocent member of the cult doesn't understand the hierarchy! She foolishly suggested that she create a Christmas card for Susan on behalf of the whole cult. Does she not know that it's law over there that Billybabes has to create the card, regardless of the fact that it's usually some misspelt monstrosity resembling something hung on the average kindergarten wall?! Rolling Eyes Laughing
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Who dares to send a card?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who dares to send a card?!   Who dares to send a card?! EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 3:14 pm

I was wondering how that was going to go down with "her" wanting to horn in on 2 peoples territory. geez you know there can't be two of those.
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Who dares to send a card?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who dares to send a card?!   Who dares to send a card?! EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 3:16 pm

grandmathora wrote:
I was wondering how that was going to go down with "her" wanting to horn in on 2 peoples territory. geez you know there can't be two of those.

Their excuse is that it would be too 'confusing'. Well, let's face it, it doesn't take much to confuse the alleged loonies! Wink
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Who dares to send a card?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who dares to send a card?!   Who dares to send a card?! EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 3:31 pm

Admin wrote:
grandmathora wrote:
I was wondering how that was going to go down with "her" wanting to horn in on 2 peoples territory. geez you know there can't be two of those.

Their excuse is that it would be too 'confusing'. Well, let's face it, it doesn't take much to confuse the alleged loonies! Wink
And me continuing to say that inside the forum we are nicer... hiding hiding
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Who dares to send a card?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who dares to send a card?!   Who dares to send a card?! EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 6:47 pm

BillyBats posted a nice-nice thread saying that a new member can send a card too. He is doing this because he sees that the site is hemorrhaging members. Members are leaving left and right. The chickens are coming home to roost. That is the price that is paid for heavy-handedness, favoritism, and censorship.
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Posts : 1259
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Who dares to send a card?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who dares to send a card?!   Who dares to send a card?! EmptySat Nov 03, 2012 6:51 pm

Admin wrote:
Oh dear, oh dear! It would appear that some innocent member of the cult doesn't understand the hierarchy! She foolishly suggested that she create a Christmas card for Susan on behalf of the whole cult. Does she not know that it's law over there that Billybabes has to create the card, regardless of the fact that it's usually some misspelt monstrosity resembling something hung on the average kindergarten wall?! Rolling Eyes Laughing

sounds like she has a family member that also won the Sega contest. Wonder if she related to Willy Wonka.
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