This is a spoof--meant for fun!
I have gotten the minutes to the next SBFII Board meeting--
After much deliberation (well, it really was not much at all) we have decided that the forum needs MORE moderation, NOT less. Therefore, we have decided to put ALL members on pre-moderation. That means EVERY post MUST be read before being put on the forum. Since this is a massive undertaking we are putting on a hundred more moderators. Applications are now being accepted. We realize that there may be more moderators than members with this plan. NO PROBLEM. Any moderator who wants to post will have his/her post moderated by another moderator! Any member or moderator who wants to appeal a moderated post that is deemed unfit for the forum, can have said post moderated by either administrator. If you are unsatisfied with that finding, you can appeal to the Special Moderated Post Appelate Committee run by Cackles, Horseywoman, and UKfannyannie. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ONE!!!