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 The Birthday Present

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The Birthday Present Empty
PostSubject: The Birthday Present   The Birthday Present EmptyTue Mar 12, 2013 12:05 am

Well, here we go again. Susan's birthday is coming up. That can mean just one thing. What gift will SBFII be giving to Susan. The call to action has just been issued by the lead honcho over there. After all, this gets everyone a visit to Susan through one of the insider"s eyes. Someone HAS to deliver it to her, of course; a job usually reserved for one of the disgruntled insiders who have left. I am certain though, that that undertaking will not be missed by their new forum. But, it is one way to get the glimpse of Susan through the SBFII forum, for people who apparently need such a thing. Just a question of which present insider will be giving it. I would love to see a list of presents Susan has received from fans. I bet that she has no more than 2 or 3% of them. Otherwise she would live a hoarder's existence like the ones shown on that TV show.

This all, regardless of the fact that Susan is a millionaire many times over and has received gifts of everything under the sun. Now, everyone knows Susan is a religious and charitable person, and maybe, just maybe, she might appreciate a donation to a charity in her name, instead of some gift that will just add to her clutter of past gifts. Oh, but then there can be no great personal feeling of contentment, not that feeling of, "Oh, I just gave a gift to my good friend Susan." Is there not something in a mission statement there about giving to charity? Oh, I forgot, the Admin. there picks and chooses which parts of the rules and bylaws and mission statements that they will abide by, whether it concerns Susan or members.

Actually, they are just mirroring the worldly society we all live in. Screw the poor so that another quite well-off person can get a monetary break that they certainly do not need. Imagine, if all the gifts from fans had been channeled to a charity instead. The world would be a little better, and, I even believe that Susan would appreciate it more. But, as Ozzy said, "I'm just a dreamer, dreaming my life away".
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