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 Susan in Russia

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Susan in Russia Empty
PostSubject: Susan in Russia   Susan in Russia EmptyFri Jun 14, 2013 4:13 pm

Susan will today perform in Russia at the White Nights Festival:

http://www.rg.ru/2013/06/14/reg-szfo/konzert-anons.html (Russian Language newspaper)

Susan in Russia 00b64119
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Susan in Russia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susan in Russia   Susan in Russia EmptyFri Jun 14, 2013 4:22 pm

Quote :
The famous Scottish singer Susan Boyle, which won international fame after a triumphant performance in the show Britains Got Talent, came to the Northern capital to participate in the charity fund "Federation" and the festival "White Nights of St. Petersburg."

Along with Helen North patroness fund she visited the children's hospital number 17, the name of St. Nicholas, where she participated in the transfer of anesthetic machine as a gift to the institution.

Today Susan Boyle will perform in the Ice Palace at the concert of the International Music Festival "White Nights of St. Petersburg." 13th of June, on the first day of the festival, St. Petersburg entertained rapper Nelly, famous for his song Mambo № 5 Lou Vega, the Irish actor and musician Bob Geldof, Mario and Star Funk Earth, Wind and Fire. On Friday, along with Susan Boyle on the stage of the Ice come out group "Earthlings" and Sarah Connor. On Saturday, in the final concert of the festival will be attended by Italian bluesman Zucchero, the British star of the 60s, Engelbert Humperdinck, the Italian singer Loredana Berte, Paula Abdul and the young singer Yurkiss Petersburg.

Susan in Russia 00b64119
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Susan in Russia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susan in Russia   Susan in Russia EmptySat Jun 15, 2013 5:11 am

Susan looks so pretty! flower
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PostSubject: Re: Susan in Russia   Susan in Russia Empty

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