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 Canadian SuBo fanatic rescued from own house

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Canadian SuBo fanatic rescued from own house Empty
PostSubject: Canadian SuBo fanatic rescued from own house   Canadian SuBo fanatic rescued from own house EmptyWed Oct 09, 2013 11:09 pm

Canadian SuBo fanatic rescued from own house

A Susan Boyle fanatic had to be rescued from his own house earlier after his head swelled so big he couldn’t fit through his own front door.

The Canadian man had earlier discovered that one of his designs had been used by SuBo for her forthcoming Christmas CD.

“I couldn’t believe it!” beamed the excited fanatic.

“We’re down to our last few billion, so we decided to cut costs this year and let a fanatic design the cover for free,” confirmed a fictional record company executive. “We already have our crack team of kindergarten students working on next year’s cover. A couple of stick men crayon drawings are already looking promising!” grinned the fictional executive.

The fanatic’s head now has its own gravitational pull after spending the evening having his giant ego massaged by a load of old dears wearing red scarves.

He is due to return home after the door frames have been widened.
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Canadian SuBo fanatic rescued from own house
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