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 SuBo fanatics try to look inconspicuous!

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SuBo fanatics try to look inconspicuous! Empty
PostSubject: SuBo fanatics try to look inconspicuous!   SuBo fanatics try to look inconspicuous! EmptyThu Nov 07, 2013 2:47 pm

SuBo fanatics try to look inconspicuous!

An American Susan Boyle fanatic, and her husband, due to travel to Abu Dhabi to see her in concert next month, have decided to go in disguise so they can follow her around.

The couple, who follow SuBo everywhere, have heard that she wants to take a camel ride and have decided on the ultimate disguise so they can follow her inconspicuously.

“We want to follow her around without her guards noticing, so we decided to go dressed as a camel,” rambled the fanatic. “I’m sure nobody will look twice at our convincing disguise!” beamed the deluded fanatic.

“I just do what I’m told!” moaned her husband.

The couple have been out practicing in their disguise before setting off.

SuBo fanatics try to look inconspicuous! Camel-10
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SuBo fanatics try to look inconspicuous!
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