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 How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team

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PostSubject: How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team   How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team EmptySun Aug 03, 2014 12:42 am

It is my understanding that a member at SBFII made inquiries about someone getting in touch with a Kansas news anchor because she wanted to do a story about Susan's upcoming tour. Mr. One And Only over there posted back that he got in touch with the member who runs the FB page and knows all about Susan and the tour. Excuse me!!! When did SBFII become Susan's official site and/or spokesperson? Should not Mr. SFan have recommended that Nicola Phillips, or Susan's team, or the tour organizer, AEG, be gotten in touch with rather than a member of her fan club??

By doing something like this you do 2 things which are wrong. You make yourselves "appear" to be her representative, and you actually lessen Susan's status as a superstar. She has OFFICIAL reps. and you guys are NOT them.
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How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team   How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team EmptySun Aug 03, 2014 2:45 am

fudgemeister wrote:
It is my understanding that a member at SBFII made inquiries about someone getting in touch with a Kansas news anchor because she wanted to do a story about Susan's upcoming tour. Mr. One And Only over there posted back that he got in touch with the member who runs the FB page and knows all about Susan and the tour. Excuse me!!! When did SBFII become Susan's official site and/or spokesperson? Should not Mr. SFan have recommended that Nicola Phillips, or Susan's team, or the tour organizer, AEG, be gotten in touch with rather than a member of her fan club??

By doing something like this you do 2 things which are wrong. You make yourselves "appear" to be her representative, and you actually lessen Susan's status as a superstar. She has OFFICIAL reps. and you guys are NOT them.

Yeah, Fudge but Andy or Marshall Arts has to be notified that the Kansas anchor is interested. It's quite possible that they intend more promo in September, closer to the date, but it doesn't hurt for them to know that this guy is eager.
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How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team   How About Leaving PR To Susan's Team EmptySun Aug 03, 2014 5:02 am

trennie wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
It is my understanding that a member at SBFII made inquiries about someone getting in touch with a Kansas news anchor because she wanted to do a story about Susan's upcoming tour. Mr. One And Only over there posted back that he got in touch with the member who runs the FB page and knows all about Susan and the tour. Excuse me!!! When did SBFII become Susan's official site and/or spokesperson? Should not Mr. SFan have recommended that Nicola Phillips, or Susan's team, or the tour organizer, AEG, be gotten in touch with rather than a member of her fan club??

By doing something like this you do 2 things which are wrong. You make yourselves "appear" to be her representative, and you actually lessen Susan's status as a superstar. She has OFFICIAL reps. and you guys are NOT them.

Yeah, Fudge but Andy or Marshall Arts has to be notified that the Kansas anchor is interested.  It's quite possible that they intend more promo in September, closer to the date, but it doesn't hurt for them to know that this guy is eager.

It should be emailed to Nicola or Andy Stephens. Simple enough to do.
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