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 SuBo fanatics try to rig referendum! (Spoof)

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SuBo fanatics try to rig referendum! (Spoof) Empty
PostSubject: SuBo fanatics try to rig referendum! (Spoof)   SuBo fanatics try to rig referendum! (Spoof) EmptyThu Sep 18, 2014 7:56 am

SuBo fanatics try to rig referendum

A group of Susan Boyle fanatics have been arrested in West Lothian after attempting to fiddle the Scottish independence referendum.

The fanatics had attempted to vote in the referendum using their ‘flat Susan’ life-sized SuBo cardboard cut-out.

Analysis of their voting paper showed they had added a third option ‘Scotland should become part of Texas’.

Suspicion was aroused at the polling station when the cardboard cut-out confirmed her name with a Texan accent, and without moving her lips.

“I don’t know what the problem is? Who said cardboard cut-outs aren’t allowed a vote?” said some woman with lots of quilts.

“If it had voted ‘Yes’ I’d have agreed with her!” some representative of the SNP might have said.
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SuBo fanatics try to rig referendum! (Spoof)
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