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 [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?

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What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_lcap8%[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_rcap
 8% [ 4 ]
[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_lcap29%[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_rcap
 29% [ 14 ]
Pop/Rock (as long as it isn't slowed to a dirge)
[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_lcap10%[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_rcap
 10% [ 5 ]
[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_lcap4%[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_rcap
 4% [ 2 ]
Original uptempo songs
[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_lcap17%[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_rcap
 17% [ 8 ]
Anything as long as it's uptempo!
[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_lcap25%[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_rcap
 25% [ 12 ]
Anything except hymns!
[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_lcap6%[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Vote_rcap
 6% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 48
Poll closed


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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 11:59 am

It would appear that Susan's team are interested to know what style of music people would like to hear on her 4th CD. A poll is currently running amongst a very select group of people, so we thought we'd offer anyone the chance to vote on what sort of music they would like to hear. Anyone can vote (even if you're not a member), but you may only vote once and only for one option. This is an entirely unofficial poll.

Last edited by Admin on Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Location : Rome, Italy

[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 6:34 pm

Admin wrote:
It would appear that Susan's team are interested to know what style of music people would like to hear on her 4th CD. A poll is currently running amongst a very select group of people, so we thought we'd offer anyone the chance to vote on what sort of music they would like to hear. Anyone can vote, but you may only vote once and only for one option. This is an entirely unofficial poll.
DJG, do you mean that also guests can vote?
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 6:35 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:
Admin wrote:
It would appear that Susan's team are interested to know what style of music people would like to hear on her 4th CD. A poll is currently running amongst a very select group of people, so we thought we'd offer anyone the chance to vote on what sort of music they would like to hear. Anyone can vote, but you may only vote once and only for one option. This is an entirely unofficial poll.
DJG, do you mean that also guests can vote?

Yes, guests can vote.
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 6:56 pm

I wish we had the ability to pick 2.
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 3:02 am

fudgemeister wrote:
I wish we had the ability to pick 2.
Fudge, that impossibility is the price of a priceless forum... Very Happy
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 3:28 am

tonnie_rocca wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
I wish we had the ability to pick 2.
Fudge, that impossibility is the price of a priceless forum... Very Happy
It is worth the price. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 3:30 am

The trend continues---Bluesy jazz and uptempo. cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 7:32 am

fudgemeister wrote:
I wish we had the ability to pick 2.

We could just start another poll and word it slightly differently?!?! There's always a solution!!!
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptySun Jan 22, 2012 5:56 pm

I want to state that I like the hymns on IDAD, maybe one (1) more?... hiding
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? EmptyFri Jan 27, 2012 9:57 pm

This is a 7 day poll, so it will close at noon UK time tomorrow (28 Jan). Last chance to get your votes in!
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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?   [Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD? Empty

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[Closed] What style of music would you like to hear on Susan's 4th CD?
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