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 Susan deals with the fanatics!

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Susan deals with the fanatics! Empty
PostSubject: Susan deals with the fanatics!   Susan deals with the fanatics! EmptyTue Jul 17, 2012 8:24 pm

And you thought it was just a light! Wink

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Susan deals with the fanatics! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Susan deals with the fanatics!   Susan deals with the fanatics! EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 12:42 am

Susan, STWOM sold over one million CDs. Do you have any idea what that proves?? It proves that there ARE at least 999,900 normal and sane fans. All WE want is for you to be happy and record music, IF that is what you want to do. We do not have to meet with you, invade your town, or annoy your PAs. Your home should be your sanctuary. You give more than enough with the appearances you do make. Do not let the 100 loonies turn you off to the other 999,900 of us.
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Susan deals with the fanatics!
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