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 Important Info for Guests (non-Members)

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Join date : 2009-09-19

Important Info for Guests (non-Members) Empty
PostSubject: Important Info for Guests (non-Members)   Important Info for Guests (non-Members) EmptyMon Sep 21, 2009 10:18 am

Important information for prospective members

SusaHumor is primarily a Susan Boyle fansite, but has also expanded to include general humor, music, film, and TV discussions.

Anyone whishing to join the Forum may register (for free, of course), but please note the following:

A valid email address is required, which for security reasons must NOT be with a free email provider (Hotmail, gmail, ymail, etc.). You MUST register using an ISP provided email address, which can be traced in case of any future security or legal issues. Note that email addresses are not shared or seen by anyone other than the Forum Administrator. We are not interested in collecting personal information (real name, etc.) and no such information will be requested. The email address provided during registration will be tested, and you must reply to the email to confirm it is your own email address. You will be asked for two security words which are contained within the following information to make sure you have read these notes before registering. These words may change from time-to-time, so please make sure you have read these notes again before you register.

Anyone known to be spying, collecting information, trolling, or otherwise engaged in any illegal activity on the Forum will be removed immediately, and their details will be passed to the relevant authorities.

In order to keep your account on the Forum active, we ask that you post something on the Forum at least once per month. We have a thread called "I'm still here!" that you can post in if you don't want to post on any other threads, with security word one being paper. Your account may be removed (you would be warned 7 days before this) if you don't make a post during any calendar month.

We also request that you don't post anything that is libellous. Only post things that you are certain are true and can be backed-up with evidence.

Please note that we do not allow discussions of a political or religious nature on the forum. We should also point out that we do not tolerate "shipping" (fantasy dating, semi-pornographic fantasy stories,etc.) in any form.

Basically, anyone with a genuine reason for joining the Forum should have no problems, and we always welcome new members. But, there are people on the internet with less desirable motives, and we must protect all members from such problems. Security word two is eggs. Membership is, therefore, entirely at the discretion of the Forum Administrator. Registering for membership of the Forum is no guarantee of acceptance.

Look forward to seeing you on the Forum!

DJG / Forum Admin

Note: Emails sent automatically from the forum, or those sent directly from me, may go into your email's spam folder if you have one. Please make sure you check in there if it seems like you haven't received the expected emails.

Last edited by Admin on Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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