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 SBFII Power Trip

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SBFII Power Trip Empty
PostSubject: SBFII Power Trip   SBFII Power Trip EmptyWed Feb 23, 2011 2:45 am

Ever since mid July, 2010, there have been undercurrents of mistrust at SBFII. So much so, that it seemed every week there was a new blowup in a new thread by the same people on both sides. What I am amazed at is the fact that "supposedly" the fans own the site and it is not for profit; AND there had never been member elections since the auction. Given that, and given all the turmoil we had been through; I always felt that the honorable thing for the administration to do was to announce that elections WOULD be held as soon as possible. In a "democratically" run forum owned by the fans, one would think that that would be a given. But , no. PickledTink and Kalua seem to have the tenacity of leaders in the middle east. Hold on to power AT ALL COST! And, do you want to know the sickest aspect of this--HAD they done that, they probably would have won the election! Unfortunately, dictatorial people NEVER think along such lines as that!
Concerning the revelations from DJG. I am truly amazed that LONG time members who were named in conversations, can go along at SBFII as if all is fine and dandy. Do you REALLY BELIEVE that DJG picked your names out of a hat? Do you really think he is that vindictive??? What does he gain from it? If it was me named, I could NOT just go along; I would, at the very least, be asking questions. confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused
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Join date : 2010-11-20
Location : USA

SBFII Power Trip Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII Power Trip   SBFII Power Trip EmptyWed Feb 23, 2011 7:31 am

fudgemeister wrote:
Ever since mid July, 2010, there have been undercurrents of mistrust at SBFII. So much so, that it seemed every week there was a new blowup in a new thread by the same people on both sides. What I am amazed at is the fact that "supposedly" the fans own the site and it is not for profit; AND there had never been member elections since the auction. Given that, and given all the turmoil we had been through; I always felt that the honorable thing for the administration to do was to announce that elections WOULD be held as soon as possible. In a "democratically" run forum owned by the fans, one would think that that would be a given. But , no. PickledTink and Kalua seem to have the tenacity of leaders in the middle east. Hold on to power AT ALL COST! And, do you want to know the sickest aspect of this--HAD they done that, they probably would have won the election! Unfortunately, dictatorial people NEVER think along such lines as that!
Concerning the revelations from DJG. I am truly amazed that LONG time members who were named in conversations, can go along at SBFII as if all is fine and dandy. Do you REALLY BELIEVE that DJG picked your names out of a hat? Do you really think he is that vindictive??? What does he gain from it? If it was me named, I could NOT just go along; I would, at the very least, be asking questions. confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused

Fudge, you well know questions get you banned. You also well know enlightenment is not permitted under any circumstances. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

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