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 Yapdogs And Disrupters At SBFII

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PostSubject: Yapdogs And Disrupters At SBFII   Yapdogs And Disrupters At SBFII EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 7:06 pm

Ever since the APPOINTMENTS of the administration at SBFII, there has ALWAYS been a plan there about how the dissenters (mostly people from this forum, the DJGers) would be dealt with on their forum. Whenever I would start threads that the administration thought were "contentious", their word for ANYTHING that questioned their authority, they would send in the members that I call the yapdogs and disruptors. There are 4 or 5 yapdogs and about 6-8 disrupters. The disruptors come in to bait the dissenters into an argument; a win-win situation for the administration because it usually led to sanctions for the dissenters and NOTHING happening to the baiters and disruptors. The yapdogs would come in to CONSTANTLY write "excellent post" OVER AND OVER. They do this to make it appear that there are many people complaining about the dissenters, thus whipping up the membership against the "contentious troublemakers".

What happened to WAMcKinley is a good case in point. One disruptor came in to a thread and ACCUSED WAM of copying the thread to take back to Susahumor, this forum. WAM responded to her with indignation (as well she SHOULD), told her she did NOT do that, and then made a denigrating remark about the disrupor’s post. So how did SBFII respond? By immediately placing WAM (formerly one of their own mods) in permanent pre-moderation; and NOTHING happened to the disrupter, who had instigated it! The ironic thing is that the disruptor made this accusation, even though I have given ABSOLUTE proof that SBFII has come INTO this forum and copied things word for word! I had received a warning at the SBFII forum, for what I had written HERE!!!!

Another example happened to me. A member who had 4 usernames (highly illegal to the rules of SBFII), baited me into an argument by telling me 'watch your back, AS THEY SAY IN PRISON." I had NO problem with the "watch your back", but once she added "as they say in prison', it took on an entirely OMINOUS meaning. And what was the end result of that encounter? I received a 1 month pre-moderation sanction and Ms. 4 Username advanced higher in the inner sanctum. Oh, and BTW, Ms. 4 Username is now on her FIFTH username!!!! And yes, she is STILL, diligently at work, baiting!!

These are just a couple of examples; believe me, I can give MANY instances of this happening.

So this is how the SBFII administration operate. They APPEAR to have clean hands, while their yapdogs and disruptors operate. What a wonderful administration over there!

Last edited by fudgemeister on Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Clix Pix

Clix Pix

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Yapdogs And Disrupters At SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yapdogs And Disrupters At SBFII   Yapdogs And Disrupters At SBFII EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 12:43 am

Going a little bit off-topic here, but maybe not really..... In viewing a recent video I was reminded about how, even though the airlines try to check thoroughly for "bad stuff" so that it cannot get on their airplanes, apparently the system is not foolproof. Guess they need to learn from the shipping industry. That's obvious, as clearly something, or rather, I guess someone toxic somehow managed to make it on a flight to Scotland, in spite of something once said on a Susan Boyle fan site, "that is why all luggage and crates stored in the hull must be checked for toxic waste....."

Methinks SBFII needs to check their own "hull" for some "toxic waste," eh?

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PostSubject: Re: Yapdogs And Disrupters At SBFII   Yapdogs And Disrupters At SBFII EmptyFri Apr 01, 2011 4:09 am

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