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 CD#5 is a Christmas album

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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 9:27 pm

To Susan---I pray you do read these forums. This IS a major disappointment! Especially after your successful mini concert in Scotland. I just love it when you sing blues/jazz such as Don't Give Up On Me, or Cry Me A River. Honestly, a Christmas CD is a HUGE step backwards for your career as far as I am concerned. This has been an awfully depressing day for me. This is how badly I feel about this choice---

Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad 

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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 9:28 pm

The only reason that I can think of , why this 5th CD is a Christmas one, is to go along with the "Christmas Candle."

But that doesn't touch all fan bases.
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 10:58 pm

monkey wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
I guess any US tour will be in mega churches!No No No No No Bawl Bawl Bawl 
I don't honestly believe there will be any this year or next.  They will let the record sell itself from the shelves. Another reason to make a Christmas record.

Maybe when Susan said her long-term career was ensured it was because she agreed to do a Christmas album and stay out of the way of all the other SONY and Columbia superstars.  I don't think she wants to be a worldwide star anyway. She is happier in Scotland-especially if a bunch of Americans come running over there to see her all the time.  Not that she has time for those who will only make it over there once.

Personally I hope pre-sales crash and burn

So much for the fun ride with Susan. Somehow I got my hopes up with the concert tour that we would get more Susan rather than less, but I don't think so now. She may tour in Ireland-but not here. She may do a week in
Vegas and figure everyone will flock to Vegas to see her, but it doesn't do most of us a bit of good. And dog forbid anyone should video the Vegas performance. 1 cd a year is all we get and 2 out of 5 are Christmas albums.

But it is Susan who will be hospitalized when it all ends because of SONY and poor decisions.

Susan will be hospitalized????

I highly doubt it. She's been quite busy and creative, apparently on her own terms, not those of "fans."
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 11:01 pm

Double Posting.. deleted.

Last edited by Wabbit on Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 11:07 pm

Extremely disappointed, here. I think most of us were expecting something up-beat and jazzy, considering Susan's fabulous tour. Instead, we're getting same old/same old,----the eternal church lady with her time worn Christmas songs,----one even recorded with a dead man, as if the music, itself, wasn't already past its sell-by date. Hate to say this, but I wont be buying this one as I refuse to "buy in" to this sorry decision of album choices. It's a matter of principle now. I feel Sony has let Susan down by sanctioning this. And as a result, we're all the poorer for it. A case of limited vision. She's capable of so much more, as the tour proved in no uncertain terms! Does her record company not see this??
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 11:15 pm

WAMcKinley wrote:
  Extremely disappointed, here.   I think most of us were expecting something up-beat and jazzy, considering Susan's fabulous tour.   Instead, we're getting same old/same old,----the eternal church lady with her time worn Christmas songs,----one even recorded with a dead man, as if the music, itself, wasn't already past its sell-by date.  Hate to say this, but I wont be buying this one as I refuse to "buy in" to this sorry decision of album choices.   It's a matter of principle now.   I feel Sony has let Susan down by sanctioning this.   And as a result, we're all the poorer for it.   A case of limited vision.   She's capable of so much more, as the tour proved in no uncertain terms!   Does her record company not see this??
They see it, but the songs we want require royalties to be paid. Maybe the next CD will be popular songs from the Roman Empire, so long as there are no descendants of Nero who might get royalties!
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 11:19 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
WAMcKinley wrote:
  Extremely disappointed, here.   I think most of us were expecting something up-beat and jazzy, considering Susan's fabulous tour.   Instead, we're getting same old/same old,----the eternal church lady with her time worn Christmas songs,----one even recorded with a dead man, as if the music, itself, wasn't already past its sell-by date.  Hate to say this, but I wont be buying this one as I refuse to "buy in" to this sorry decision of album choices.   It's a matter of principle now.   I feel Sony has let Susan down by sanctioning this.   And as a result, we're all the poorer for it.   A case of limited vision.   She's capable of so much more, as the tour proved in no uncertain terms!   Does her record company not see this??
They see it, but the songs we want require royalties to be paid. Maybe the next CD will be popular songs from the Roman Empire, so long as there are no descendants of Nero who might get royalties!

What?! Susan's not worth the cost of a few royalties?? That's pretty sad if that's their conclusion!
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 11:21 pm

Wabbit wrote:

I was hoping Susan would sing , "River Deep, Mountain High" on her 5th CD.

Could she do this. ?

Oh YEAH !!... SO WHY NOT.  ??........................

How about.......   "Hold Ne, Thrill Me, Kiss Me.............   

So WHY NOT.... ??

PLEASE........ stop putting Susan in a box and let her fly.......  That was what she was born to do.  Smile
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 11:51 pm

pipechanter wrote:
monkey wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
I guess any US tour will be in mega churches!No No No No No Bawl Bawl Bawl 
I don't honestly believe there will be any this year or next.  They will let the record sell itself from the shelves. Another reason to make a Christmas record.

Maybe when Susan said her long-term career was ensured it was because she agreed to do a Christmas album and stay out of the way of all the other SONY and Columbia superstars.  I don't think she wants to be a worldwide star anyway. She is happier in Scotland-especially if a bunch of Americans come running over there to see her all the time.  Not that she has time for those who will only make it over there once.

Personally I hope pre-sales crash and burn

So much for the fun ride with Susan. Somehow I got my hopes up with the concert tour that we would get more Susan rather than less, but I don't think so now. She may tour in Ireland-but not here. She may do a week in
Vegas and figure everyone will flock to Vegas to see her, but it doesn't do most of us a bit of good. And dog forbid anyone should video the Vegas performance. 1 cd a year is all we get and 2 out of 5 are Christmas albums.

But it is Susan who will be hospitalized when it all ends because of SONY and poor decisions.

Susan will be hospitalized????

I highly doubt it.  She's been quite busy and creative, apparently on her own terms, not those of "fans."  
Susan sings what she does best and where her heart is......My opinion does not count and should not...Smile  It is just opinion nothing more nothing less....study
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2013 11:58 pm

Maybe we will get songs like the Scotland Tour on the .......  6th album.....  Here is hoping. Smile
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 12:00 am

Wabbit wrote:
Maybe we will get songs like the Scotland Tour on the .......  6th album.....  Here is hoping. Smile
I am not playing that game anymore.
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 1:00 am

fudgemeister wrote:
Wabbit wrote:
Maybe we will get songs like the Scotland Tour on the .......  6th album.....  Here is hoping. Smile
I am not playing that game anymore.
I have pre-ordered the 5th CD but only one for myself. I usually buy some for friends, but not this year.

I can only speak for myself, but I am not gong that far.  I can wait to see if a 6th CD will have more songs on it, like the Scotland tour.   But, in saying that,  I think there had better be.   I do have confidence in Susan.
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 6:19 am

What I simply can't understand in the grand scheme of all of this is why Susan doesn't sing more original material? Her voice is her highest entertainment quality and by doing covers and Christmas songs her potential is not being reached. Her skill range is varied across genres so the dedication of 2 albums to this genre is puzzling.

I've gone through 4 CD's and 4 live performances to support Susan. I don't know if I'll be buying #5.
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 8:42 am

Oh goody! Another dust collector!Sleep  I can see it now....me sweating over the ironing board on the hottest damn day in July listening to Susan sing more Christmas songs......NOT!

The upside I guess is the fact that I will have saved ten bucks this year by not buying CD#5. Maybe I'll spend it on some chocolates.

Like most of you, I simply cannot fathom the merits of this decision. Were they really trying to correlate the new album with a movie that Susan had a small part in? I can't get my head around that logic at all.

Is Sony/Syco really doing their version of Tesco on Susan Boyle? If so, why would her management agree with it? This isn't Andy's first trip around the dance floor for heaven's sake!

Was this Susan's decision? If so, wouldn't you think that Andy would have a heart to heart talk with Susan about taking another step forward with better material instead of "running home to mama" as they say, and playing it safe with more of the same?

Andy has worked his tail off and waded through a lot of crap to make it happen for her. Managing Susan's career is not something he just does in his spare time when he gets bored.

All in all, I'm disappointed:(  and totally baffled..................scratch
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 1:51 pm

Maybe the song from the moviie will be nominated for an Oscar. Maybe. Susan is by her own admission very religiious, so this works for her. Even for people who are basically Chriistian but not deeply reigious, Christmas holds a lot of memories. For those not of a religious or Christian bent, it can be seen as a winter, family oriented holiday. Lots of food, lots of fun. Christmas is everywhere for sure.

I have also wondered why there is no significant original music written for Susan. Maybe someone here knows the reason other than the expense. It is easier if a singer is also a songwriter. And she does not sing edgy songs. But there could be some beautiful music written for her but it is not happening. Go figure.
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 2:00 pm

She did the Xmas CD - "The Gift" - been there, done that. At the very least, I was hoping for a CD I could play year round.
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 2:22 pm

It is all about money. What will draw the $ out of peoples pockets and line theirs...Shocked 
How to catch the US market than better with a dead Elvis singing a duet figure that..affraid  I find that morbit.
This is making easy money and cashing on the sentimentality of most people. This has nothing to do with artistic creativity. I also do not understand why a movie SB only had a small part in falls on her to promote...???? Unless there was some monetary benefit..?
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Clix Pix

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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 6:08 pm

I doubt very much that a song called "Miracle Hymn" would be nominated for an Academy Award..... Unless it's a truly beautiful and unique song. After all, there was "The Prayer," which was beautifully showcased by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli.
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 6:14 pm

whisper wrote:
It is all about money. What will draw the $ out of peoples pockets and line theirs...Shocked 
How to catch the US market than better with a dead Elvis singing a duet figure that..affraid  I find that morbit.
This is making easy money and cashing on the  sentimentality of most people. This has nothing to do with artistic creativity. I also do not understand why a movie SB only had a small part in falls on her to promote...???? Unless there was some monetary benefit..?
These days promotion seems to fall on a bunch of fans to do. Certainly cheaper.laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor 
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 7:14 pm

I certainly wouldn't have much respect for Susan's team or Sony/Syco/Columbia PR and Promotion departments if they allow fans -- amateurs -- to barge into what are meant to be responsibilities handled by professionals who are specifically trained and paid to do this type of work. I don't think it would reflect too well on Susan herself, either, for that matter -- some people might wonder if she's too cheap and chintzy to pay for promotional activities (which customarily come out of the artist's earnings).
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 10:15 pm

Clix Pix wrote:
I certainly wouldn't have much respect for Susan's team or Sony/Syco/Columbia PR and Promotion departments if they allow fans -- amateurs -- to barge into what are meant to be responsibilities handled by professionals who are specifically trained and paid to do this type of work.  I don't think it would reflect too well on Susan herself, either, for that matter -- some people might wonder if she's too cheap and chintzy to pay for promotional activities (which customarily come out of the artist's earnings).  
And besides, in this case, the amateurs might show them up by doing a better job than they do.
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CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD#5 is a Christmas album   CD#5 is a Christmas album - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2013 10:24 pm

Indeed, there IS that possibility....and also done with much more enthusiasm as well!

Aside from all that, here's a message to Susan's team and all personnel involved in PR/publicity, whatever:

Next time there is a big announcement to be made, rather than playing coy little games with fans and stating that there will be a big announcement on the Official Site (OS) on such-and-such a date...... why not just go ahead and post the announcement right then and there? That would sure save a lot of embarrassment when someone else such as a vendor (Amazon in this latest incident) goes ahead and posts information, with the result being that then the OS ends up coming late to the party while fans already have been alerted to whatever the particular big news and surprise was supposed to be. Just a thought, mind you.......
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