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 SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?

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Clix Pix
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptySat Feb 19, 2011 12:10 am

So, the ‘red scarf forum’ (now known as SBFII) are supposed to have a set procedure for dealing with people who they believe in their own little minds have broken the rules. But do they always stick to that procedure? It would seem not! Here are more extracts from their secret mods/admin only threads.

Again, none of this information has been obtained through any illegal act.

Admin (no longer ‘staff’):

“If Clix Pix brings up the copyright issue again wrt to member videos (or photographs), we will permanently ban her for trolling … I regard Clix Pix as a very clever troll.”

My comment: Again, go and find out what a ‘troll’ is! It’s not somebody who disagrees with your opinions! Rolling Eyes

Moderator P:

“We should make short work of members like Clix Pix. She is nothing but trouble and a complete waste of time. Occasionnally, a discretionary permanent banning should be allowed the admins, rules or no rules.”

My comment: [I have bolded the important part of that post]. And there we have it folks. In other words just ignore all our rules and ban ‘em anyway!

Moderator (no longer ‘staff’):

“I think maybe we could let [Admin] designate a DIS-honorary member now and then, and instead of their name turning bright red, they are made to permanently disappear!”

Admin P:

“I agree that CP is total pain.”

Admin K:

“Nobody would be happier than me if CP disappears.”

Moderator J:

“I wish we could just ban CP and other DJGers.”

My comment: So, just ban anyone who happens to know CP! It’s just a dictatorship folks! Rolling Eyes
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptySat Feb 19, 2011 12:52 am

SBFII... rules or no rules???

Since when is copyright called trolling. ?? There are copyright laws for the USA and UK and about 164 countries under the Berne Convention.


Maybe some people need to learn about copyright laws. I know one member who posted copyright laws at SBFII and was BANNED immedoiately. Why is that may I ask. ??

Last edited by mdillow31 on Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:06 am; edited 2 times in total
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Clix Pix

Clix Pix

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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptySat Feb 19, 2011 1:02 am

Well, they tried their darnedest to make me disappear and finally were granted their opportunity when late one night Mirrim baited me enough so that I snapped back at her and made the comment about Danileo being defanged..... Seems to me that I was right on that score, as from what I understand Danileo sure isn't acting in a moderating capacity these days, only pops up once in a while to make a statement about some technical issue or other. Yup, she was indeed defanged. DEFANGED.

Heh, then there was the night of July 18th when the Name They Hated suddenly reappeared in their midst (well, not totally, as I couldn't post, I could only read threads, so the name was at the bottom, where they list everybody looking at a particular thread). AIEEEEEE, run for the hills, everybody! Public Enemy Number One is back! The infamous Clix Pix! Trouble with that scenario was that I really wasn't technically unbanned at all and I re-entered the site only after re-registering under a slight adjustment in my user name, which got me partially through the process to the point where I could read threads but not post. The final piece of this, the activation, never was completed. That's one of the lies that was told in one of the Board Reports that was ineptly trying to summarize the events of that night. Clix Pix was never unbanned by anyone, much less someone who hadn't even been yet appointed a temporary moderator. Someone at SBFII needs to get their facts straight.

In the meantime, Clix Pix is alive and well and flourishing on some other Susan Boyle-related sites plus a photography site or two.......
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptySat Feb 19, 2011 2:05 pm

We don't do politics here, but policy YES...

Uninstalling dictators:

Tunisia..................████████████████ : 100% Eliminated
Egypt....................████████████████ : 100% Eliminated
Iran......................█████████░░░░░░░ : Ongoing...
Italy.....................░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ : Awaiting...
Other minor ones....░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ : Awaiting... Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptySun Feb 20, 2011 2:33 am

This is what happens when a dictatrorship takes over. Things for all of us to ponder on. Smile

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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptySun Feb 20, 2011 5:00 pm

I think Elsewhere will be happy to know I am a member there again...and HAVE been for quite a while... ROFL

And have read what they have been saying about me behind my back (well they THINK it's behind my back-my computer skills improve by the minute....and to think...it all started at elsewhere..... Twisted2 Cuckoo
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptySun Feb 20, 2011 5:39 pm

Ammo wrote:
I think Elsewhere will be happy to know I am a member there again...and HAVE been for quite a while... ROFL

And have read what they have been saying about me behind my back (well they THINK it's behind my back-my computer skills improve by the minute....and to think...it all started at elsewhere..... Twisted2 Cuckoo
Hi Ammo! Nice to see you here.
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptyMon Feb 21, 2011 3:05 am

Ammo wrote:
I think Elsewhere will be happy to know I am a member there again...and HAVE been for quite a while... ROFL

And have read what they have been saying about me behind my back (well they THINK it's behind my back-my computer skills improve by the minute....and to think...it all started at elsewhere..... Twisted2 Cuckoo

Nice to see you again.
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptyMon Feb 21, 2011 3:09 am

Heh heh heh, Ammo... Twisted2 Twisted2 Twisted2

Good for you! LOLflag
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptyMon Feb 21, 2011 4:41 am

BohemianSpirit wrote:
Heh heh heh, Ammo... Twisted2 Twisted2 Twisted2

Good for you! LOLflag

Hey Boh nice to see you again.
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptyFri Feb 25, 2011 10:30 am

bajaraquel wrote:
BohemianSpirit wrote:
Heh heh heh, Ammo... Twisted2 Twisted2 Twisted2

Good for you! LOLflag

Hey Boh nice to see you again.

You, too. Cool I was having internet troubles, but those appear to have been resolved, and now I'm baaaaack!
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SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SBFII: Do they follow their own rules?   SBFII: Do they follow their own rules? EmptyFri Feb 25, 2011 11:06 pm

BohemianSpirit wrote:
bajaraquel wrote:
BohemianSpirit wrote:
Heh heh heh, Ammo... Twisted2 Twisted2 Twisted2

Good for you! LOLflag

Hey Boh nice to see you again.

You, too. Cool I was having internet troubles, but those appear to have been resolved, and now I'm baaaaack!

Oh dear we wandered off topic again. Goes to show we don't take much seriously and let conversations move in a natural manner.
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