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 SBFII: Announcement revealed!

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SBFII: Announcement revealed! Empty
PostSubject: SBFII: Announcement revealed!   SBFII: Announcement revealed! EmptySun Mar 27, 2011 2:11 am

It seems SBFII have a big announcement to make on Sunday. Well, we can reveal what it is!

It appears that when the loonies bought the site, their check bounced and they have never actually owned the place at all! The original owner has now agreed to sell the site to us for $10 (which is actually about $20 more than it’s worth!). We have fired all the staff and changed all the passwords. We will close the site down on Sunday and force all the loonies to join SusaHumor! Once they join, we will ban them all immediately.

Thank you for your misunderstanding in this matter!

Twisted2 Twisted2 Twisted2
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