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 I Have To Resign From SBFII!

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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 2:27 am

I have been a member of SBFII from June 28, 2009. What brought me to it was an amazing video I had seen on youtube. I literally watched that video 100s of times in those early days. I had never felt about a singer or group the way I felt about Susan Boyle. I do not recall exactly when I found the Paul Wood website, but it seemed to be up and running almost immediately. When I discovered it , it literally became like my second home. I LOVED the site! It was THE AUTHORITY on everything Susan Boyle. It still is that authority. The site gave me hours of enjoyment. It was such tremendous fun to be amongst other Susaholics. There were great conversations, wonderful videos, and tons of news about Susan. Perhaps the best thing it had going for it was DIVERSITY! Isn't it weird that a group NAMED Diversity were the ones to beat out Susan in BGT. Unfortunately, at SBFII, diversity lost out to closed minds and a leadership that is truly an embarrassment to Susan Boyle. From the beginning, especially after the auction, leadership and the mods have shown an absolute bias towards one group of people and against another group of people. There can be no denial of that! For the exact same infractions that I would get a punishment for, another person would not get any punishment! If anything, that person would climb higher up in the SBFII echelons.
During the time I was on the site I have posted about 3300 times. I started 21 threads, of which 8 were closed and 1 was completely taken off of the site. Those 9 threads were what made me "contentious" to the powers that be over there. All the threads were basically questioning things that were going on at the site. One would think that that would be ok on a democratic forum of a not for profit site run by the membership. But democracy is the furthest thing from the minds of leadership. It is mind boggling to me that to this day not one person there has been elected! They have ALL been appointed! Given the turmoil of the last 8 months one would think that HONORABLE people would offer their resignations and call for elections. But not PickledTink and Kalua! That is arrogance! I say that because for such people to say to me that I only write "contentious" posts and threads is arrogance! Go look at my posts and threads! CONTENTIOUS-HARDLY!! Go look at my "Heavenly Gift" thread! I take tremendous pride in that and many of you were quite moved by it! I thank you for that. I have never had a problem with most of the membership. By and large they are good and caring people. It is the administration and a group of members who I have a problem with.
As far as the revelations that I have made here, I swear a solemn oath that I had seen the staff room chat with my own eyes. Everything I reported was 100% true! The truth lies in the database. Let an independent party look at that thread. If that were to happen I WOULD be proven right. I strictly did it to make the members aware of what their leadership is really all about. There were no other motives than that. My only desire was to somehow get a change in the leadership!
It has taken me a long time to reach this decision but I must resign from SBFII. With the recent purge, with many diverse people leaving the site, with a draconian leadership, I have no choice but to resign!
Even though I resigned; Kalua banned me 3 days later!!

"Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
Thomas Jefferson

A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.”
Dwight Eisenhower

Last edited by fudgemeister on Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:38 pm; edited 7 times in total
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 2:39 am

Hey Fudgie, you fought for what you thought was right. I understand what you feel. I too have been a member there since early on and made many deep and lasting friendships. I met some of the greatest people in NYC. Not all the people on that site are bad. I haven't always agreed with your methods but have agreed with your messages.

I've edited this to add that it does sadden me to see that site turn into what it is. There were so many wonderful people who just plain quit posting due to the unbalanced rules and the allowing of flaming by the staff's pets. I sincerely hope their advertising campaigns brings in new blood who aren't run off.

Last edited by bajaraquel on Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 3:45 am

fudgemeister wrote:
I have been a member of SBFII from June 28, 2009. What brought me to it was an amazing video I had seen on youtube. I literally watched that video 100s of times in those early days. I had never felt about a singer or group the way I felt about Susan Boyle. I do not recall exactly when I found the Paul Wood website, but it seemed to be up and running almost immediately. When I discovered it , it literally became like my second home. I LOVED the site! It was THE AUTHORITY on everything Susan Boyle. It still is that authority. The site gave me hours of enjoyment. It was such tremendous fun to be amongst other Susaholics. There were great conversations, wonderful videos, and tons of news about Susan. Perhaps the best thing it had going for it was DIVERSITY! Isn't it weird that a group NAMED Diversity were the ones to beat out Susan in BGT. Unfortunately, here, diversity lost out to closed minds and a leadership that is truly an embarrassment to Susan Boyle. From the beginning, especially after the auction, leadership and the mods have shown an absolute bias towards one group of people and against another group of people. There can be no denial of that! For the exact same infractions that I would get a punishment for, another person would not get any punishment! If anything, that person would climb higher up in the SBFII echelons.
During the time I was on the site I have posted about 3300 times. I started 21 threads, of which 8 were closed and 1 was completely taken off of the site. Those 9 threads were what made me "contentious" to the powers that be over there. All the threads were basically questioning things that were going on at the site. One would think that that would be ok on a democratic forum of a not for profit site run by the membership. But democracy is the furthest thing from the minds of leadership. It is mind boggling to me that to this day not one person there has been elected! They have ALL been appointed! Given the turmoil of the last 8 months one would think that HONORABLE people would offer their resignations and call for elections. That is arrogance! I say that because for such people to say to me that I only write "contentious" posts and threads is arrogance! Go look at my posts and threads! CONTENTIOUS-HARDLY!! Go look at my "Heavenly Gift" thread! I take tremendous pride in that and many of you were quite moved by it! I thank you for that. I have never had a problem with most of the membership. By and large they are good and caring people. It is the administration and a group of members who I have a problem with.
As far as the revelations that I have made here, I swear a solemn oath that I had seen the staff room chat with my own eyes. Everything I reported was 100% true! The truth lies in the database. Let an independent party look at that thread. If that were to happen I WOULD be proven right. I strictly did it to make the members aware of what their leadership is really all about. There were no other motives than that. My only desire was to somehow get a change in the leadership!
It has taken me a long time to reach this decision but I must resign from SBFII. With the recent purge, with many diverse people leaving the site, with a draconian leadership, I have no choice but to resign!

I applaud you Fudge for speaking the truth. Smile

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap

I hope others will wake up and smell the coffee.

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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 5:14 am

Band Band Band Band ROCK ON, FUDGIE ! Band Band Band Band
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 7:43 am

Well it saddens us all that it has come to this. A few bossy, authoritarian people have literally taken over the site. We all met there and had fun until it became not only authoritarian but downright boring.

Sorry Fudgie that it had to come to this - but you had no choices left!!!
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 12:59 pm

I am also thinking about resigning and will probably make my decision this week. I have been sorta a quiet member, there, but find myself so frustrated about the general atmosphere that it is no longer worth it. Yesterday ME posted in the trip to Scotland thread about how great it was to put aside your troubles and have fun with other fans with these meets. It really irritated me and I replied something like not all people can make trips and get away from troubles. My post ended up sounding like I'm envious and that is not the case at all. I certainly would not enjoy these M&G's even if I had the money. Many in this group of people get on jets, travel to a different country and all the expenses incurred and are able to put aside their TROUBLES and have a good ole time. They rule that site with all their socializing and the rest of us peons are supposed to be entertained by all this. I have some wealthy friends and they never try and make me feel like I am less than I am. I am developing a compulsion to see what their latest silly doings and it all just makes me feel bad. I need to nip it in the bud. I am going to try and stay away from there this week and we'll see.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 2:51 pm

donaha wrote:
I am also thinking about resigning and will probably make my decision this week. I have been sorta a quiet member, there, but find myself so frustrated about the general atmosphere that it is no longer worth it. Yesterday ME posted in the trip to Scotland thread about how great it was to put aside your troubles and have fun with other fans with these meets. It really irritated me and I replied something like not all people can make trips and get away from troubles. My post ended up sounding like I'm envious and that is not the case at all. I certainly would not enjoy these M&G's even if I had the money. Many in this group of people get on jets, travel to a different country and all the expenses incurred and are able to put aside their TROUBLES and have a good ole time. They rule that site with all their socializing and the rest of us peons are supposed to be entertained by all this. I have some wealthy friends and they never try and make me feel like I am less than I am. I am developing a compulsion to see what their latest silly doings and it all just makes me feel bad. I need to nip it in the bud. I am going to try and stay away from there this week and we'll see.

It appears you don't need money...you just have to know the right people. laughcry laughcry

Last edited by feistyfilly on Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 2:51 pm

Bravo, Fudge. clap clap clap Fortunately for you, and for us, there is a larger community than one increasingly ingrown (inbred?) site! Very Happy

dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin dancin

cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering

Band Band Band Band Band
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 2:59 pm

Here's a photo from their last meeting! Laughing

I Have To Resign From SBFII! Ewmeet11
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 3:03 pm

Admin wrote:
Here's a photo from their last meeting! Laughing

I Have To Resign From SBFII! Ewmeet11

laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 5:16 pm

donaha wrote:
I am also thinking about resigning and will probably make my decision this week. I have been sorta a quiet member, there, but find myself so frustrated about the general atmosphere that it is no longer worth it. Yesterday ME posted in the trip to Scotland thread about how great it was to put aside your troubles and have fun with other fans with these meets. It really irritated me and I replied something like not all people can make trips and get away from troubles. My post ended up sounding like I'm envious and that is not the case at all. I certainly would not enjoy these M&G's even if I had the money. Many in this group of people get on jets, travel to a different country and all the expenses incurred and are able to put aside their TROUBLES and have a good ole time. They rule that site with all their socializing and the rest of us peons are supposed to be entertained by all this. I have some wealthy friends and they never try and make me feel like I am less than I am. I am developing a compulsion to see what their latest silly doings and it all just makes me feel bad. I need to nip it in the bud. I am going to try and stay away from there this week and we'll see.
So just come play chez DJG's instead. The la-de-friggin'-da crowd really does expect us to be entertained by all their jetsetting. Good thing Susan wasn't a Susan fan a couple of years ago. She'd never have been able to afford it.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyMon Mar 07, 2011 6:07 pm

Admin wrote:
Here's a photo from their last meeting! Laughing

I Have To Resign From SBFII! Ewmeet11

I wonder if they have an orthopedic surgeon on board to try and keep them together. I bet they have to copy, paste and post here and there to keep their records straight.

laughfloor laughcry laughfloor

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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyTue Mar 08, 2011 4:24 pm

38 hours since I sent kalua my resignation and I still have access!!!! He just must love me too much!!! laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyTue Mar 08, 2011 4:55 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
38 hours since I sent kalua my resignation and I still have access!!!! He just must love me too much!!! laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry

They tried to keep me as a number when I resigned in Dec 2009. I had to resign three times before they let me go. I refused to be a number for them. I don't know if that is what is happenening with you or not. You need to check it out again or maybe your thing is unlike mine. ?? Smile
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Clix Pix

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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyTue Mar 08, 2011 5:17 pm

Don't they have some kind of "cooling-off" period prior to actually removing your membership? 24 hours? 48 hours? Not that I suppose that matters much, as they'll do whatever they darned well please, anyway, remove you summarily or have you seemingly still hanging around long after the "cooling-off" period is up.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyTue Mar 08, 2011 9:04 pm

When I resigned I was given 12 hours to reconsider after which Kalua would close the account. It took almost an extra 12 hours in the end I think until he got around to it.

I can't see why it would take 48 hours. confused
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Clix Pix

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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyTue Mar 08, 2011 10:06 pm

I believe only one of the administrators can close an account; I know that mods cannot do it. I'm not sure about whether or not the techies on EW have the necessary permissions or not. On other sites with which I'm familiar, there aren't any separate "tech" designations and it's an admins-only kind of function. It could well be that they give the person a 24-to-48 hour "cooling-off" period in order to also give themselves the time to actually do the deed, too. I have the feeling that it's Kalua who handles most of that kind of thing rather than Tink.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 12:39 am

Clix Pix wrote:
I believe only one of the administrators can close an account; I know that mods cannot do it. I'm not sure about whether or not the techies on EW have the necessary permissions or not. On other sites with which I'm familiar, there aren't any separate "tech" designations and it's an admins-only kind of function. It could well be that they give the person a 24-to-48 hour "cooling-off" period in order to also give themselves the time to actually do the deed, too. I have the feeling that it's Kalua who handles most of that kind of thing rather than Tink.

Yes, kalua is the only one who closes accounts at ew. If anyone is considering resigning, don't bother sending a request to anyone else. They may not bother passing the message on.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 10:36 am

Now Fudge is indicated ew as "banned", which is not correct since we all know (I say: ALL) that he resigned by his own free will.
Something is still and again rotten in the state of Denmark... Sick
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 1:39 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

Now Fudge is indicated ew as "banned", which is not correct since we all know (I say: ALL) that he resigned by his own free will.
Something is still and again rotten in the state of Denmark... Sick

How can a person be banned if they resign...???? If one resigns automatically transfers to banning...????
That is not Kosher .....Shocked
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:22 pm

They did the same thing to Marianne remember and I'm sure others as well but don't remember who!!! Stinks!!!
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:22 pm

janakimack wrote:
They did the same thing to Marianne remember and I'm sure others as well but don't remember who!!! Stinks!!!
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:24 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:
janakimack wrote:
They did the same thing to Marianne remember and I'm sure others as well but don't remember who!!! Stinks!!!

Was it also Ammo? I don't recall...
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:28 pm

They did it to me - I resigned in October 2009 and was promptly designated as banned. I made a fuss over this with the Doc and insisted that my user name was eradicated from the membership roster as 1. the banned designation was untrue and 2. I didn't care to add to their membership figures after I had resigned and quit the site.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:30 pm

They do that to EVERYONE that quits. Their techies do not know how to use their software well enough to change it. That is why the door was left open for so many to copy the chats.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:33 pm

I must be mega-toxic then! I was removed, lied about, lied about again, removed again, lied about again, threatened with death, lied about some more, completely deleted, lied about some more, etc., etc. Actually, mine must be the longest banning procedure in history, because it's still going on I think! Rolling Eyes
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:36 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
38 hours since I sent kalua my resignation and I still have access!!!! He just must love me too much!!! laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry

Who woulda thunk it!! I guess they have to hang onto the members they have. I t hought they waited 24 hours and then took away access.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:43 pm

Je lach je dood!!! Dutch for you laugh yourself to death... Tonnie - spelling?
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:46 pm

janakimack wrote:
Je lach je dood!!! Dutch for you laugh yourself to death... Tonnie - spelling?
Almost perfect: je lacht je dood... laughfloor laughfloor laughfloor
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:51 pm

Here it is!!

You have been banned for the following reason:
enough is enough

Date the ban will be lifted: Never
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 2:59 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
Here it is!!

You have been banned for the following reason:
enough is enough

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

Is this true? You resigned. These people are too much.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 3:00 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
Here it is!!

You have been banned for the following reason:
enough is enough

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

At least you got a reason! I'm still waiting for an answer to my email of 24 December 2009 asking why they banned me. I think they've surely had long enough to make some crap up by now! Wink
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 3:05 pm

andyp wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
Here it is!!

You have been banned for the following reason:
enough is enough

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

Is this true? You resigned. These people are too much.
Hey, Kalua---can't you EVER tell the truth!! I RESIGNED BEFORE YOU BANNED ME!!!

Last edited by fudgemeister on Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 3:59 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
andyp wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
Here it is!!

You have been banned for the following reason:
enough is enough

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

Is this true? You resigned. These people are too much.
Hey, Kalua---can't you EVER tell the truth!! I RESIGNED BEFORE YOU BANNED ME!!!

I went over there and they have your name as part of those viewing the site at this point. I went into your private messaging area and they do in fact have you as "banned" - no reason. That is so stupid. I guess they don't want their members to know people are leaving in droves.
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I Have To Resign From SBFII! Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Have To Resign From SBFII!   I Have To Resign From SBFII! EmptyWed Mar 09, 2011 8:02 pm

Admin wrote:
I must be mega-toxic then! I was removed, lied about, lied about again, removed again, lied about again, threatened with death, lied about some more, completely deleted, lied about some more, etc., etc. Actually, mine must be the longest banning procedure in history, because it's still going on I think! Rolling Eyes

Hey you forgot the part about mentioning your name got people put in the time out corner or banned. Oh, and anything said on this forum got people punished on that forum too. Now that is toxic!
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