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 Votes At SBFII

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Votes At SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Votes At SBFII   Votes At SBFII EmptySat Apr 02, 2011 11:05 pm

The administration of SBFII is very good at calling for votes for such important (?) things as logos and gifts. However, there has NEVER been a call for a new vote for the Board of Directors or the administration! Oh, wait, I forgot that there has NEVER been a vote for the board of directors or the Administration! I guess a logo is more important than an election! Screw democracy!
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Clix Pix

Clix Pix

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Votes At SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Votes At SBFII   Votes At SBFII EmptySat Apr 02, 2011 11:19 pm

It hasn't been a year yet since the nonprofit organization was established, and I think in order to get things underway in the beginning it was pretty much up to the site's owner (prior to the sale to the newly-established SBFII organization) to set up a board of directors and all that. While I think that the idea is that members would be able to vote for the next representatives on the Board of Directors, I don't know whether or not members would EVER be invited to vote for the site's administrators. Good thing to think about.....
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Votes At SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Votes At SBFII   Votes At SBFII EmptySat Apr 02, 2011 11:24 pm

Clix Pix wrote:
It hasn't been a year yet since the nonprofit organization was established, and I think in order to get things underway in the beginning it was pretty much up to the site's owner (prior to the sale to the newly-established SBFII organization) to set up a board of directors and all that. While I think that the idea is that members would be able to vote for the next representatives on the Board of Directors, I don't know whether or not members would EVER be invited to vote for the site's administrators. Good thing to think about.....
Do you mean it is up to PickledTink and Kalua as to whether or not they will be voted on?!?! scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry laughcry
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Clix Pix

Clix Pix

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Location : ɐsn `ɐʌ ɟo ɥʇlɐǝʍuoɯɯoɔ

Votes At SBFII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Votes At SBFII   Votes At SBFII EmptySat Apr 02, 2011 11:31 pm

I really don't know how that is determined, since things are different now than when I was a member there and also since there was the change of ownership. In most sites, yes, the owner is the one who chooses the administrators, and in most sites the owner IS the administrator, someone who is tech-savvy and who has carefully built the site from the ground up and knows all the ins-and-outs of all the software necessary to maintain a smooth-running site, especially one which includes discussion forums. Usually along the way a site owner realizes that he or she cannot do it alone and recruits like-minded folks to help out -- and usually those like-minded folks are also tech-savvy and such. SBFII is such a different animal altogether that to be honest, it's hard to know exactly what will happen in the future there and who gets to make decisions, etc. To my knowledge, EW/SBFII is one of its kind, a website run by committee. I guess we will all just have to wait and see what develops when the time comes closer to anyone making decisions about who is to run the place, or, rather, possibly to continue running the place......
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