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 permanent pre-moderation means also...

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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 3:26 pm

permanent pre-moderation means also:

- that you cannot vote on the ew banner poll (I'm truely not very interested...)

- that you are not allowed to view attached pictures.
Where are all these things actually written in the 10.000 rules??? Rulez Rulez Rulez

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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 3:28 pm

Well if the new banners look anything like the crappy badly put together one that is currently up there they are not worth voting for anyway.

The current one is an insult to Susan Crying or Very sad

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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 3:31 pm

I assume they'll be mostly ripped off 'inspired' by other people's work. Ain't that right 'Dangly Bits' Bill? Rolling Eyes
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 3:50 pm

Admin wrote:
I assume they'll be mostly ripped off 'inspired' by other people's work. Ain't that right 'Dangly Bits' Bill? Rolling Eyes
Anyway, all photo's used are surely copyrighted... Suspect

At least the present banner has original pics.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 3:53 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:
Admin wrote:
I assume they'll be mostly ripped off 'inspired' by other people's work. Ain't that right 'Dangly Bits' Bill? Rolling Eyes
Anyway, all photo's used are surely copyrighted... Suspect

At least the present banner has original pics.

When have SBFII ever been worried about copyright? Oh, except then they tried to hide their failed Skype attempt. Then copyright was a big deal and they bullied every hosting company in existence to remove it. But, when they rip something off it's perfectly OK.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 3:54 pm

Admin wrote:
tonnie_rocca wrote:
Admin wrote:
I assume they'll be mostly ripped off 'inspired' by other people's work. Ain't that right 'Dangly Bits' Bill? Rolling Eyes
Anyway, all photo's used are surely copyrighted... Suspect

At least the present banner has original pics.

When have SBFII ever been worried about copyright? Oh, except then they tried to hide their failed Skype attempt. Then copyright was a big deal and they bullied every hosting company in existence to remove it. But, when they rip something off it's perfectly OK.

ETA: 46 banner voters up to now, what does that say about a.m. ew???? at least we have a standard to measure it again...
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 4:03 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

permanent pre-moderation means also:

- that you cannot vote on the ew banner poll (I'm truely not very interested...)

- that you are not allowed to view attached pictures.
Where are all these things actually written in the 10.000 rules??? Rulez Rulez Rulez

I am displaying righteous indignation......
The permanent ban is unfair really is. Where is forgiveness where is compassion where is love.??

There is a song a hymn I like "They know us by our love."

To love and show love that is what it means to be a Christian. How does someone recognize us, by our love nothing else. Love is what it is about. Who was the example? Whom do we follow?

Permanent pre-moderation is unfair specially to people like
Tonnie and TXTammy what have they done?
They are good people kind people and full of compassion people and most of all they have lots of love in their heart and give it freely.
I do not know who else was because they resigned after being pre-moderated.

To both of you and all who were pre-moderated.
hug hug

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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 4:31 pm

whisper wrote:
To both of you and all who were pre-moderated.
hug hug
Thanks my friend... hug hug

But I'm still a bad girl in DJG's guest forum, not to mention the horrible truths we share inside here Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy, that's why...

I don't trust them anymore since a long time: double standards and lies in the higher ew echelons all over...

Remember how smoothly they got rid of Dyebat, Lchris and Citro???
Remember how the blogs were neglected??
Remember which threads have disappeared??

I do remember it all, they hijacked my forum... pirat pirat pirat.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 5:21 pm

Oh, I have to go check out that banner vote thing so I can see whatever lousy crap billshite threw together and vote against it.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 5:27 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:
whisper wrote:
To both of you and all who were pre-moderated.
hug hug
Thanks my friend... hug hug

But I'm still a bad girl in DJG's guest forum, not to mention the horrible truths we share inside here Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy, that's why...

I don't trust them anymore since a long time: double standards and lies in the higher ew echelons all over...

Remember how smoothly they got rid of Dyebat, Lchris and Citro???
Remember how the blogs were neglected??
Remember which threads have disappeared??

I do remember it all, they hijacked my forum... pirat pirat pirat.

Yes I remember words fail me... Sad
The truth people do not want to hear.... Shocked
Still you did not deserve it my friend because you are a strong fan and admirer Susan greatly.... sunny
There is not such a think as real fan and not real fan. People do that one is not a real American , or real German, or real Christian because one does not think like they do.
You are real a real fan..... cheers

cheering We all are real Susan fans no matter what fan site. cheering
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 5:35 pm

Admin wrote:
tonnie_rocca wrote:
Admin wrote:
I assume they'll be mostly ripped off 'inspired' by other people's work. Ain't that right 'Dangly Bits' Bill? Rolling Eyes
Anyway, all photo's used are surely copyrighted... Suspect

At least the present banner has original pics.

When have SBFII ever been worried about copyright? Oh, except then they tried to hide their failed Skype attempt. Then copyright was a big deal and they bullied every hosting company in existence to remove it. But, when they rip something off it's perfectly OK.

I remember when a friend of mine posted copyright rules on SBFII and got .....

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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 5:46 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

permanent pre-moderation means also:

- that you cannot vote on the ew banner poll (I'm truely not very interested...)

- that you are not allowed to view attached pictures.
Where are all these things actually written in the 10.000 rules??? Rulez Rulez Rulez

Sucks, doesn't it.....and to think we did no worse than anyone else that is still there.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 6:31 pm

77 banner voters, 26 thank sayers, a lot o what a lot of members there... Twisted2
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 6:54 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

77 banner voters, 26 thank sayers, a lot o what a lot of members there... Twisted2

I was one that voted... Popcorn
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 7:09 pm

nevermore wrote:
Oh, I have to go check out that banner vote thing so I can see whatever lousy crap billshite threw together and vote against it.
CB did not enter this competition!
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 7:11 pm

fudgemeister wrote:
nevermore wrote:
Oh, I have to go check out that banner vote thing so I can see whatever lousy crap billshite threw together and vote against it.
CB did not enter this competition!

Could he not find anything to rip off as usual then?
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 1:16 am

Now 96 voters and 36 thanksayers, we are getting the stats... Suspect
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 1:27 am

Admin wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
nevermore wrote:
Oh, I have to go check out that banner vote thing so I can see whatever lousy crap billshite threw together and vote against it.
CB did not enter this competition!

Could he not find anything to rip off as usual then?
No, he wanted to allow others to get the kudos!
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 3:52 am

I think they should use the photo of Susan hugging Angel. There are no copyright issues and I don't care what forum you belong to, that is a moving picture and the essence of Susan. There are enough private pictures of Susan so there shouldn't have to be any copy right violations, but then rules only apply to people they don't like.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 6:40 am

Admin wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
nevermore wrote:
Oh, I have to go check out that banner vote thing so I can see whatever lousy crap billshite threw together and vote against it.
CB did not enter this competition!

Could he not find anything to rip off as usual then?

Or maybe he's finally hearing us, and how he's not that good in the first place.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 6:53 am

Sassyone wrote:
Admin wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
nevermore wrote:
Oh, I have to go check out that banner vote thing so I can see whatever lousy crap billshite threw together and vote against it.
CB did not enter this competition!

Could he not find anything to rip off as usual then?

Or maybe he's finally hearing us, and how he's not that good in the first place.

But the girls all like CBill and his sick MSPaint skillz. Shocked
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 6:54 am

xeno wrote:
Sassyone wrote:
Admin wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
nevermore wrote:
Oh, I have to go check out that banner vote thing so I can see whatever lousy crap billshite threw together and vote against it.
CB did not enter this competition!

Could he not find anything to rip off as usual then?

Or maybe he's finally hearing us, and how he's not that good in the first place.

But the girls all like CBill and his sick MSPaint skillz. Shocked

Well, of course, it strokes his ego.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 4:55 pm

xeno wrote:
Sassyone wrote:
Admin wrote:
fudgemeister wrote:
nevermore wrote:
Oh, I have to go check out that banner vote thing so I can see whatever lousy crap billshite threw together and vote against it.
CB did not enter this competition!

Could he not find anything to rip off as usual then?

Or maybe he's finally hearing us, and how he's not that good in the first place.

But the girls all like CBill and his sick MSPaint skillz. Shocked
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 8:49 am

Now 140 voters and 52 thanksayers... guys, that's the real active membership over there, in spite of the make believe... pirat pirat
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 12:23 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

Now 140 voters and 52 thanksayers... guys, that's the real active membership over there, in spite of the make believe... pirat pirat
Yes, pretty much same # as when they voted on the board and the bylaws. Where are the THOUSANDS!?
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 11:48 pm

tonnie_rocca wrote:

Now 140 voters and 52 thanksayers... guys, that's the real active membership over there, in spite of the make believe... pirat pirat
Yes, that's supposed to rep the 50,000 or 60,000, active members that are all religious and Texas line dancing fans.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 1:07 am

The great premoderation expulsion has happened almost a year ago... Suspect

It turns out now that you are also excluded from voting in a poll. No No No

"You may not vote on this poll", site management stinks...

Voters now around 160, a familiar number.
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Clix Pix

Clix Pix

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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 1:44 am

What kind of poll? One voting on internal matters? External matters? I wouldn't think that a poll coming from there would have much value to anyone outside that small group anyway.......
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 1:48 am

Clix Pix wrote:
What kind of poll? One voting on internal matters? External matters? I wouldn't think that a poll coming from there would have much value to anyone outside that small group anyway.......
The Andy Stinky poll.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 11:46 am

Yes, it would appear that the same old ultra-conservative wealthy religious 'ladies who lunch' have again been approached for their opinions on what CD#4 should contain. Given that these people haven't bought any music since about 1940-something, it's obvious that they'll ask for the same old stuff: hymns, more hymns, and yet more hymns. All slowed down to a snails pace of course, so their ear trumpets don't explode with all the excitement! Rolling Eyes Their opinions didn't exactly help CD#3 (it's this same crowd who insisted everything was slowed to a dirge), so why they should have input on CD#4 is beyond me.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 4:03 pm

Admin wrote:
Yes, it would appear that the same old ultra-conservative wealthy religious 'ladies who lunch' have again been approached for their opinions on what CD#4 should contain. Given that these people haven't bought any music since about 1940-something, it's obvious that they'll ask for the same old stuff: hymns, more hymns, and yet more hymns. All slowed down to a snails pace of course, so their ear trumpets don't explode with all the excitement! Rolling Eyes Their opinions didn't exactly help CD#3 (it's this same crowd who insisted everything was slowed to a dirge), so why they should have input on CD#4 is beyond me.

Is it because Susan and her team actually believe there are really diverse fans there? - well there would be if the site had 5,000 (or is that 50,000?) truly active members instead of about 2-300 and falling. I shall despair if the next CD again has Susan singing according to Macs arrangements instead of singing songs that suit her glorious voice!
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 4:26 pm

Emmylou wrote:
Admin wrote:
Yes, it would appear that the same old ultra-conservative wealthy religious 'ladies who lunch' have again been approached for their opinions on what CD#4 should contain. Given that these people haven't bought any music since about 1940-something, it's obvious that they'll ask for the same old stuff: hymns, more hymns, and yet more hymns. All slowed down to a snails pace of course, so their ear trumpets don't explode with all the excitement! Rolling Eyes Their opinions didn't exactly help CD#3 (it's this same crowd who insisted everything was slowed to a dirge), so why they should have input on CD#4 is beyond me.

Is it because Susan and her team actually believe there are really diverse fans there? - well there would be if the site had 5,000 (or is that 50,000?) truly active members instead of about 2-300 and falling. I shall despair if the next CD again has Susan singing according to Macs arrangements instead of singing songs that suit her glorious voice!
IF Andy Stephens or Nicole go to SBFII and read, they know without a shadow of doubt, that, in general, the membership is made up mostly of senior adults.

Last edited by fudgemeister on Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 4:35 pm

I will update my stats within a few days... pirat

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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptySat Jan 21, 2012 10:42 am

fudgemeister wrote:
Emmylou wrote:
Admin wrote:
Yes, it would appear that the same old ultra-conservative wealthy religious 'ladies who lunch' have again been approached for their opinions on what CD#4 should contain. Given that these people haven't bought any music since about 1940-something, it's obvious that they'll ask for the same old stuff: hymns, more hymns, and yet more hymns. All slowed down to a snails pace of course, so their ear trumpets don't explode with all the excitement! Rolling Eyes Their opinions didn't exactly help CD#3 (it's this same crowd who insisted everything was slowed to a dirge), so why they should have input on CD#4 is beyond me.

Is it because Susan and her team actually believe there are really diverse fans there? - well there would be if the site had 5,000 (or is that 50,000?) truly active members instead of about 2-300 and falling. I shall despair if the next CD again has Susan singing according to Macs arrangements instead of singing songs that suit her glorious voice!
IF Andy Stephens or Nicole go to SBFII and read, they know without a shadow of doubt, that, in general, the membership is made up mostly of senior adults.

Well, technically they're adults I suppose, though they act like spoilt 3 year olds most of the time. Rolling Eyes

A poll such as this should have been carried out on her official site so as to include the views of as diverse a group as possible. Asking the same old 200 or so old women seems pointless to me. Despite what they think, they were not responsible for her selling so many CDs, unless they all bought tens of thousands of copies each, so the sensible thing to do would be to ask for the views of those who did buy all those CDs - the general public.
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permanent pre-moderation means also... Empty
PostSubject: Re: permanent pre-moderation means also...   permanent pre-moderation means also... EmptyThu Feb 09, 2012 10:09 am

Next week the ew group-pre-mod-throw-out has been a year ago... that's definitely not the way to manage a forum, unless - for some reason - you prefer to stimulate group-thinking and behaviour...
permanent pre-moderation means also... Ovejas10 permanent pre-moderation means also... Ovejas10

Thanks to DJG who created on time this funny - and at the same time d*mned serious - place for freethinkers... Very Happy

permanent pre-moderation means also... 42316210

Last edited by tonnie_rocca on Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:30 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : another typ)
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